Year 6 Windmill Hill Residential
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Year R newsletter – ‘Terrific Tales!’
We hope that you have all enjoyed a fun, yet restful Half Term. We are looking forward to having the children back and hearing about their adventures, including their Autumn Walks. Please remember to send their Autumn collections in tomorrow, Monday 30th October.
We enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you before Half Term to share and celebrate your child’s successes since starting school. Please can we remind you to add a comment to the Tapestry post we sent out before your parents evening meeting, titled ‘My first half term at school’. It’s lovely to hear your views on your child’s achievements so far.
The children have all done amazingly well and we hope they are recharged after the holiday ready to begin our next topic ‘Terrific Tales.’
Here is the Newsletter for this Half Term Year R newsletter Autumn 2 2023
As always, please do speak to us if you have a question.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year R Team.
Year 1 Autumn Update
It’s been a busy start to Year 1 and the children have settled in beautifully. We have enjoyed learning all about our sensational senses and explored sight, sound, touch, smell and taste in our science learning time. As part of our English work, we explored a whole range of exciting words to describe the tasty treats that ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ ate and watched patiently as our class caterpillars grew into beautiful butterflies. It was a very special moment when we released them outside on the school field!
The half- term has whizzed by, filled with lots of super learning. We can’t wait for what comes next!
Year 1 Team
Year 2 get creative!
It’s been a busy term in Year 2. The children have enjoyed learning about the beauty all around them and loved exploring the outdoors with our groegraphy fieldwork. As part of our science learning about materials, the children explored how materials can be changed. We used folding, bending and twisting to create our own clay owl artwork.
In art, we learnt about the artist, Jo Grundy, where we created our own artwork inspired by her paintings, ‘Harvest Song’ and ‘Still Waters’.
The children also enjoyed learning to sew this term. As part of our design technology, the children designed their own puppet based on a character from a traditional story. They learnt to sew a running stitch and had great fun embellishing their designs. Can you spot any familiar characters?
It has been a fun-packed term, filled with lots of great learning.
Thanks for all your support this term.
Year 2 Team (Mrs Carter, Mrs Lee, Miss Burgess, Miss Guyatt)