27th January 2023 Newsletter
This week’s top news & reminders
- Don’t forget to book the school disco (Friday 3rd Feb). Book here!
- Well done to our Year 5&6 children who took part in the Atheletics Tournament at Brighton Hill yesterday. We came in 3rd place out of Basingstoke schools!
- A few events coming up to be aware of: School Council Activity Day (10th Feb), Safer Internet Day (7th Feb), Careers Fair (23/24th Feb). Details below.
Letter from our School Council:
On the 10th February 2023, the school council will be hosting an activity day to raise money for 2 aspects of our school: (1) Our chosen charity, The Mud House Children’s Foundation (2) Costumes for the 57 children representing our school at Dance Live, a national dance competition.
The activity day will consist of several different sporting activities. These are: javelin, running, hula hooping, curling, tri-golf, skipping, tennis keepy-uppies, long jump and hurdles. Each activity costs 50p to do. To do all of them it costs £3 so you get a whopping £1.50 discount! If your child gets top three on the leaderboard,for any activity, they will get a prize (more information to come). Each year group will have its own leaderboard and there will be a time slot for your year group throughout the day. PE kits can be worn all day. You will also get a participation certificate for taking part.
Yours sincerely, St Mark’s School Council
Careers Fair – can you help, or spread the word?
We’re pleased to be running our St Mark’s Careers Fair again in February 2023! We need your help though. Can you run a stall on either 23rd or 24th Feb in the morning? Would your business, charity or organisation help? Do you know someone else who might? Find our details and sign-up here! Thank you.
Agents of Change – “Making the world a better place” – Update
- Thank you for your nominations of children who go above and beyond to make our world a better place. The Agents Of Change badges will be presented on Mondays.
- AoC badges have so far been presented to… Amelia, Rhoda, Chloe, Elodie, Eunice, Elouise, Sophie, Jai, Eli, Seth, Alvaro, Aidan, Avery, Charlotte, Harry, Kylara, Katie, Orla, Darcie, Max, Jad, Joseph, Thomas, Max, Grace, Isobel, Max and Thomas
Thinking about becoming a teacher? Aspire!
Find out more here
The St Mark’s pastoral team will be hosting a parent and carer drop-in session every half term, each with a different focus.
Our first session this term will be looking at supporting children with worries and anxieties.
Mrs Atherton, Mrs Delves and Mrs Elms will be on hand to chat through any concerns, with a cup of tea and a biscuit 🙂.
Please join us on Monday 30th January from 8.30am to 9.30am in the church (younger children welcome too!).
Meet the team here: Pastoral team
- This year we will be taking part in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th February. Please send your children to school on this day wearing something either orange or blue (or both!) to match the Safer Internet Day logo.
- No-Tech Day challenge. We will be challenging children and their families to take part in a day without tech on the weekend of the 11th and 12th February! Will you accept the challenge?
Having a spring clear-out? Bags2School is coming – Thursday 27th April!
- School disco time again! Booking is now open!
Upcoming FOSM events:
- School Disco – Friday 3rd Feb (KS1 5-5.45pm, KS2, 6-7pm)
- Bags2School – Thursday 27th April
- More events coming soon!
Regular Information
- Visit our page here: Friend’s of St Mark’s page
- Visit our shop here!
- Get in touch: fosm@stmarksce.org.uk
Foodbank – easy as 1-2-3
There is now a Foodbank drop-off box at St Mark’s, run by the Parish of Basingstoke Down. Simply drop-off tins and other items as per the Foodbank’s website. Thank you.
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
- Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 7th February (wear orange and/or blue)
- No-Tech Day Challenge – 11th & 12th February
- Half-term 13th-17th February
- Careers Fair – 23rd/24th February
- Basingstoke Music & Arts Festival (Year 2/KS2 Choir & Orchestra) – Sat 4th March
- INSET – Friday 31st March
- Easter break – 3rd April – 14th April
Year Group Events
Year 1:
- Milestone’s Trip – Fri 24th February
Year 2:
- Hillier Gardens – 23rd June
Year 4:
- Roman Solider Day – Wed 8th Feb
New Barn residential trip: Wed 14th – Fri 16th June
Year 5:
- Trip to Ufton Court – Thurs 9th Feb
In worship this week…
We looked at the link between being an Agent of Change and Reading. Reading gives you a power-up to being an Agent of Change!
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
Star Learner Awards:
Year R
Puffins – Leo, Parrots – Charlie, Penguins – Renae
Year 1
1P – Lena, 1M – Alice, 1CL – Andrew
Year 2
2B – Charlotte, 2G – Nico, 2BB – Evan
Year 3
3C – Daisy, 3T – Ruby, 3SB – Edison
Year 4
4W – Annabelle, 4S – Jack, 4PR – Sophie
Year 5
5SP – Geroge, 5DS – Manuel, 5F – Eleanor
Year 6
6P – Scarlett, 6B – Emilia, 6C – Ethan
Star Reader Awards:
Year R
Puffins – Romel, Parrots – Theo, Penguins – Zach
Year 1
1P – Ethan, 1M – Caleb, 1CL – Mia
Year 2
2B – Theo, 2G – Ollie, 2BB – Abigail
Year 3
3C – Max, 3T – Lola, 3SB – Edward
Year 4
4W – Angelina, 4S – Isla, 4PR – Luke
Year 5
5SP – Ross, 5DS – Marianna, 5F – Zion
Year 6
6P – Charlie, 6B – Ruby, 6C – Zion
Rock Stars
Amazing effort:
Year 3
3C – Amber, 3T – Benjamin, 3SB – Karthik
Year 4
4W – Emily, 4S – Ivy-Rose, 4PR – Finley
Year 5
5SP – Jas, 5DS – Elizabeth, 5F – Leo
Year 6
6P – Irebami, 6B – Riker, 6C – Ano
Year 4 – Cameron
Most active class in each year group:
Year 3: 3C
Year 4: 4W
Year 5: 5DS
Year 6: 6P
NumBots best effort:
Year 1: Ivy (1CL), Andrew (1CL), Isabel (1P)
Year 2: Kieran (2G), Elliana (2G), Thomas (2B)
Music of the Week!
Johann Strauss II was an Austrian composer mainly composing light music for waltzes or operettas. The Blue Danube is one of his most famous pieces of music inspired by the Danube river that flows through many countries in Europe.