Non-uniform and Basingstoke Culture Day

On Friday 14th July, we are celebrating cultures and countries represented at St Mark’s and in Basingstoke. Your child can wear clothes with colours that represent a country you have links to (including the UK!). They’ll be doing a range of activities across the day, too. We ask for a donation of 50p to cover costs. The children will all recieve a special ‘We Are One’ badge, too!
This week’s other top news & reminders
Our breakfast club is changing as of September 1st 2023. Please click here for full details.
Please can you complete our end of year survey – once per child – click here.
Current Year 3 parents – there will be an online meeting for the Year 4 residential on Weds 19th July at 6pm. More details to follow.
Remember, registers are taken at 8:50am, meaning your child needs to be through the gate by 8:48am.
A reminder that all after school clubs have now finished.
Spend some time with us on Tuesday 18th July straight after school. You can meet your child’s new teacher, and walk around the School Art Exhibition to see your child’s work on display.
Have your financial circumstances changed? Your child might be elligible for various benefits at school. Click here to find out more.
A reminder that Year 2 pupils no longer receive Universal Free School Meals as of September. Those elligible for Free School meals continue to do so.
Farm Update
- Don’t forget you can book summer slots to look after our animals. We’ve got the summer to fill :) Click here!
- Can you be on a backup list for farm bookings in case of emergency? Just email the office to let us know. Thank you!
We say thank you to…
… our FOSM team and all who attended the Summer Fayre. It was amazing! Total raised was £5,500!!! Just incredible!!
… our FOSM team for putting on the Disco tonight, too!
… our KS2 musicians who took part in a Summer Concert on Wednesday. You were great!
… Year 5 pupils who showed impeccable behaviour on their trip to Brighton Hill on Thursday.
… New parents and children who joined our New Year R events recently. We look forward to you joining us in September.
Got any spare wellies?
We are collecting wellies for children across to school to use in our outdoor provision. If you’ve got any spare, please pass them to the office. Thanks!
Staff Updates:
- We welcome Miss Sullivan to our Office Team.