16th June 2023 Newsletter – FOSM Fun Day, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits and more!
This week’s top news & reminders
We’re very keen to find the countries and languages represented by the children and families at St Mark’s! Complete this form by the 20th June if you have a strong link to a country other than England, or a language other than English.
Please make sure you’ve completed this form regarding class buddies – Thinking about classes for September (one per child please)
Our Year 4 pupils are currently on their 3 day/2night residential, and have had a great time!
Have fun with your kids by looking after Pip and Sparkles. Our 2 rabbits and 3 guinea pigs arrive this weekend too. Click here to book a slot!
We’ve been alerted that some Nivea Suncream products contain almond oil. This would be harmful to children with allergies. More info here.
FOSM Summer Fun Day
FOSM Non-Uniform Day
Friday 30th June – in exchange for specific Tombola items – details to follow next week!
FOSM Disco
Friday 7th July – Bookings will open Monday 3rd July – details to follow. Special Guest DJ NikNak will be supplying the ‘beats’!
Meet our new farm animals!
Arriving this weekend!
Farm Thanks
We want to thank all those who have helped in getting our farm up and running. It looks amazing and we really appreciate the help of all of the volunteers who have given their time and energy to come and help. We would particularly like to thank Rich Minter and James Naylor for their efforts moving the chippings over several days in the pouring rain. You are all agents of change!
Thank you also to Mrs Barbour, Mr Calver and Mr Parker for their efforts in making the farm possible. And did I mention Mr Calver’s amazing sign he has made?
Book Fair Reminder
Each class will visit the book fair stall. If you’d like your child to buy some books, please send them in with an amount between £3 and £12 in cash in a named envelope on the day below. For Year R, the book fair is after school in the Key Stage 1 playground – please can parents/carers attend with your child.
If you would prefer to pay online and not physically visit the book fair, you can do so here.
Monday 19th June
- Year 4 & 6 classes– during the school day
- NEW- Children of any year group may visit after school with parents (on the KS1 playground weather permitting). We are hoping to have a card machine available for this after school session.
Thank you for your support!
Basingstoke Day – can you help?

Wellbeing Week Winners
During our Wellbeing Week we had a fabulous Whole School event which included a competition! The focus for the day was about connection! The children connected together to create a poster all about the five steps to Wellbeing! The top 20 were then chosen and from these classes voted for their top 3! In Worship on Monday the top three posters were announced! Well done to EVERYONE though as it was a fantastic day and children demonstrated all of their learning behaviours and made some new connections (friends) too.
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
If your child(ren) usually has free school meals and you would like some support with covering the extra food costs, please contact Vicky Elms (v.elms@st-markscofe.hants.
sch.uk) so that we can arrange a food bank voucher on your behalf.
Photo credits:
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash