9th June 2023 Newsletter
This week’s top news & reminders
Would you like to visit our hens Pip and Sparkles? We have lots of slots available. Just click here! Rabbits join them next week, and guinea pigs soon after :)
Well done to our Year 4 pupils who took their 12×12 Multiplication Test this week. Learn more about how we teacher times tables here.
It’s going to be hot in the days and weeks to come – please remember sunscreen, hats, water bottles and comfortable uniform.
Thank you to our 5 volunteers from VirginMediaO2 who helped us on our grounds this week. Could your company lend us one of your vounteering days? Let us know.
Mr Applegate says…
… a huge thank you to Kat Long for being our fantastic IT Technician over the past few years. Today was her last day, and we’re grateful for how she has supported us and moved us forward in tech across the school.
… thank you to our volunteers who answered our plea for help to complete the farm. It’s 95% there!! Look what you’ve helped to create (and FOSM & parents of course!).
What’s next? We’ll be working on our wooded areas including Forest School and hedges at the back, as well as our Year 3 Reflection Garden.
Finally, I’m so proud of our children, staff and community. Leading our school is a real privilege.
Have a great weekend.
Class Buddies for September
Please make sure you’ve completed this form – Thinking about classes for September (one per child please)
Book Fair
In the coming weeks, we have our school book fair. It’s a chance for children to become excited about books and enjoy reading. There are a variety of books on sale, and the school gets commission for each book sold. This summer you get 3 books for the price of 2 with the cheapest book free!
Each class will visit the book fair stall. If you’d like your child to buy some books, please send them in with an amount between £3 and £12 in cash in a named envelope on the day below. For Year R, the book fair is after school in the Key Stage 1 playground – please can parents/carers attend with your child.
If you would prefer to pay online and not physically visit the book fair, you can do so here.
When is my child visiting the book fair?
Wednesday 14th June
- Year R classes– after school with parents (on the KS1 playground weather permitting). Please allow a few minutes for us to set up.
Thursday 15th June
- Year 1 & 2 classes – during the school day.
Friday 16th June
- Year 3 & 5 classes – during the school day.
Monday 19th June
- Year 4 & 6 classes– during the school day
- NEW- Children of any year group may visit after school with parents (on the KS1 playground weather permitting). We are hoping to have a card machine available for this after school session.
Thank you for your support!
Anime? What’s that?
Such joy in looking after Pip and Sparkles!
Basingstoke Day – can you help?

FOSM Updates
Please check your child’s bookbag for our Summer Fayre raffle tickets.
Regular FOSM Information
- Visit our page here: Friend’s of St Mark’s page
- Visit our shop here!
- Get in touch: fosm@stmarksce.org.uk
Kids Pretty Mudder
Well done to Daniel in Year 2, who completed a mudder for Cancer Research – raising over £175! An Agent of Change badge is coming your way :)
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
If your child(ren) usually has free school meals and you would like some support with covering the extra food costs, please contact Vicky Elms (v.elms@st-markscofe.hants.
sch.uk) so that we can arrange a food bank voucher on your behalf.
Music of the Week!
Contradanze by Vanessa-Mae
Vannesa-Mae is a Singaporean-born British violinist. Her music style is self-described as “violin techno-acoustic fusion”, as several of her albums prominently feature the techno style with the classical style.
Star learners
Star Learner Awards:
Year R
Puffins – Oscar, Parrots – Sergio, Penguins – Kiret
Year 1
1P – Lena, 1M – Charlie, 1CL – Riley
Year 2
2B – Lewis, 2G – , 2BB – James
Year 3
3C – Amber, 3T – Amaya, 3SB – Armaan
Year 4
4W – Charlotte and Abi, 4S – Max, 4PR – Hannah and Isobel
Year 5
5SP – Florence, 5DS – Marianna, 5F – Sebastian
Year 6
6P – Betsy, 6B – Zach , 6C – Zion and Freya
Quietest Class!
KS1: Puffins
KS2: 6B
Star Reader Awards:
Year R
Puffins – Liam, Parrots – Luca, Penguins – Rebecca
Year 1
1P – Rachel, 1M – Emily, 1CL – Lettie
Year 2
2B – Gracie, 2G – , 2BB – Charlie
Year 3
3C – Aria, 3T – Mimi, 3SB – Ruby
Year 4
4W – Eli, 4S – Grace, 4PR – Amber and Reece
Year 5
5SP – Charlie, 5DS – Laila, 5F – Sofia
Year 6
6P – Georgia, 6C – Eddie, 6S – Darcy
Rock Stars
Amazing effort:
Year 3
3C – Jackson, 3T – Benjamin, 3SB – Ben
Year 4
4W – Emily, 4S – Jack , 4PR – Amber
Year 5
5SP – Rhoda, 5DS – Elizabeth, 5F – Cullen
Year 6
6P – Irebami, 6B – Riker, 6C – Aidan
Most active class in each year group:
Year 3: 3C
Year 4: 4W
Year 5: 5DS
Year 6: 6B
NumBots best effort:
Year 1: Harry (1CL), Dominic (1M), Emily (1M)
Year 2: Thomas (2B), Zoe (2G), Alfie (2G)
Photo credits:
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash
Year 5 – Welcome to Summer 2!
For this final half term, Year 5 will be learning all about the Ancient Greeks for the next 7 weeks. It’s another super jam-packed half term with lots of exciting learning to come.
Please find our Topic Web and Knowledge Organiser attached. Our Topic Web gives you an insight into what we are covering in each of our subjects this half term – everything from English, to Maths, to Art and everything in between. Our Knowledge Organiser gives you lots of facts about the Ancient Greeks.
Please also take note of the upcoming dates – some children are off for some extra swimming lessons this half term (starting next week) and we also have a trip to Brighton Hill Secondary School. Please ensure you have filled out the google permission form for this if you haven’t already.
We can’t wait to share the children’s learning with you soon,
The Year 5 Team
Year 5 Sum 2 – Knowledge Organiser NEW