26th May 2023 Newsletter – Sports Day, Farm, Wellbeing Week, FOSM 5K walk and more
This week’s top news & reminders
Have a lovely half-term break next week!
Remember that it’s Inset Day on Mon 5th June so back to school on Tuesday 6th June!
Farm Bookings – are now available here, including over half-term. 8am and 6pm slots, including this weekend!
FOSM Sponsored Walk – Huge thanks to Dave and the team for putting this together. It raised over £2,000! Just incredible! This goes towards our outdoor improvements, amongst other things.
PE timetable updated – see our PE section below for the timetable for the next half-term. The only change is for Year 5 who will have PE on Mondays and Thursdays.
FOSM Tote Bags – can still be purchased – up until Friday 2nd June. Click here.
Class photos take place on Weds 7th June
Raffle tickets for the summer fayre have gone home in bookbags this week – we are really looking forward to the summer fayre – do please save the date – it’s 1st July! The raffle is the biggest fundraiser of the event and we can’t do it without your help. Your help selling these tickets is very much appreciated as proceeds will help fund various projects at school including the outside area. All tickets to be return by Fri 23rd June please.
Summer Concert reminder – If your child learns a musical instrument in school, or plays in the school orchestra, please complete this form by Monday 5th June to indicate whether they can or cannot take part in our Instrumental Concert on Wednesday 5th July. Thank you
Have you completed this?
Sports Day
Thank you so much for your support today. It’s been hot, but it’s been great! Well done to our winners, too.
Wellbeing Week
We’ve had an incredible week of wellbeing! Activities have included:
- “Perform” drama workshops
- “Relax Kids” with Kath
- HIT training with Mel and Tanya
- Relaxation with James
- Wellbeing Club each lunchtime
- Collaboration across the school (see the posters below)
- Sports Day tomorrow :)
Well done to our Wellbeing Champions, as well as Mrs Ford and Mrs Boyle.
Farewell, Mrs Long
Our amazing IT Technician, Mrs Long, will be finishing at St Mark’s on Friday 9th June. Mrs Long has helped bring our tech and Computing curriclum into the 21st centuary. We are in such a great place thanks to her efforts, creativity and knowledge, and wish her all the best in her new ventures.
Agents of Change
Well done to Tom and Ally in Year 6, who swam 1k in around 35 minutes – raising over £300 for Cancer Research and Marie Curie. We are all very proud of these two Agents of Change!
And well done to Ruby in Year 6, who is an exceptionally good swimmer. She is currently in the top fastest age 11 swimmers in the UK, in a number of areas. WOWOW!
Basingstoke Day – can you help?

FOSM Updates
Please check your child’s bookbag for our Summer Fayre raffle tickets.
Regular FOSM Information
- Visit our page here: Friend’s of St Mark’s page
- Visit our shop here!
- Get in touch: fosm@stmarksce.org.uk
FOSM 5K Event
What wonderful weather we had for this event and what a great turn out! Thank you everyone who came, marshalled, walked and crossed that finish line and got their medal!
Thank you to those that have returned their sponsorship forms and please do as soon as possible if you haven’t. Most importantly THANK YOU to those that have sponsored! We will let you know how much you have all raised.
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
If your child(ren) usually has free school meals and you would like some support with covering the extra food costs, please contact Vicky Elms (v.elms@st-markscofe.hants.
sch.uk) so that we can arrange a food bank voucher on your behalf.
Photo credits:
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash