19th May 2023 Newsletter – FOSM Walk, Hen Names, Sports Day, Windrush and more
FOSM Sponsored walk – this Sunday 21st May!
Please note that this is a pre-booked event. Entries for the walk have closed and only those previously signed up can take part, unfortunately. For those who have, the details are here: FOSM 5k Walk Info Sheet
Sports Day – this Friday, 26th May!
We recently out an email regarding Sports Day and a reminder of your child’s team colour. Click here for more info. The starting positions are below:
Farm Update
Our 2 hens are happily laying eggs and are settling in nicely. The children have enjoyed seeing them at break and lunch times.
We are almost finished with our farm booking system, which will allow you and your child to visit our hens and look after them at either 8am or 6pm each day. Details to come. It’s not a small job to put together!
And what are their names? The winners of the class competition are below. Well done Penguins!
This week’s top news & reminders
Coronation day tote bag order forms have gone home this week with a sample of your child’s design.
The disabled parking space in the car park can only be used by Blue Badge holders. Thanks!
Class photos take place on Weds 7th June.
Walk to school Week!
Next week is Wellbeing week at St. Mark’s.
Alongside this, we are going to be having our Walk to School Week to help to promote being outdoors, spending time together and physical exercise. We hope that your children will be able to take part in some way- walking, scooting or cycling for all or part of their journey. Please see the letter that your child brought home for further information.
Upcoming special events in the next 2 weeks
Event Name | What is required? | When? |
Sports Day | Team colour t-shirt | Fri 26th May |
Pastoral Drop-In Session
The St Mark’s pastoral team will be hosting a parent and carer drop-in session every half term, each with a different focus.
Our next parent drop in will be held on Monday 22nd May 8.30-9.30am in the church. We will chat through the different strategies we use in school under the umbrella of a therapeuric approach; many of which can be transferred to the home environment.
Mrs Delves and Mrs Elms will also be on hand with a cup of tea and a biscuit to talk through any concerns you may have. Younger children welcome too!
Meet the team here: Pastoral team
FOSM Updates
Regular FOSM Information
- Visit our page here: Friend’s of St Mark’s page
- Visit our shop here!
- Get in touch: fosm@stmarksce.org.uk
Basingstoke Day – can you help?

Year 5 – Windrush Visitor
It was great to have Grace Powell come and speak to our Year 5 children, as part of their learning of the Windrush Generation. Grace was part of that, and now helps run the Basingstoke Caribean Society. She helped us understand what life was like, and how we should look out for others, and “We are one”. A reminder of the Willis Museum exhibition about the Windrush, now on. Details here!
Year 6 – Agents of Change
The children took part in a range of sporting activities inside and outside of the classroom. The children could do as many as they wanted in return for a small donation. They were placed into teams (2 from each class) and received points from the adults stationed at each sport. The winners could decide which charity they would donate the money to. We raised over £100 and the winning team were ‘The Ascending Pigeons’. The money is being shared between Cancer Research and WWF.
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
If your child(ren) usually has free school meals and you would like some support with covering the extra food costs, please contact Vicky Elms (v.elms@st-markscofe.hants.
sch.uk) so that we can arrange a food bank voucher on your behalf.
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
Star Learner Awards:
Year R
Puffins – Romel, Parrots – Nevaeh, Penguins – Kiret
Year 1
1P – Ethan, 1M – Laura, 1CL –
Year 2
2B – Kyla, 2G – Reeva, 2BB – Enrique
Year 3
3C – Mia, 3T – George, 3SB – Tilly
Year 4
4W – Angelina, 4S – Alfie, 4PR – Jack
Year 5
5SP – Archie, 5DS – Jack, 5F – Olivia
Year 6
6P – Sean, 6B – Noah, 6C – Noah
Quietest Class!
KS1: 1P
KS2: 3T
Star Reader Awards:
Year R
Puffins – Micah, Parrots – Carter, Penguins – Arthur
Year 1
1P – Elsie, 1M – Archie, 1CL –
Year 2
2B – Konrad, 2G – Eli, 2BB – Zach
Year 3
3C – , 3T – Camila, 3SB – Owen
Year 4
4W – Nyasha, 4S – Alivia, 4PR – Isabelle
Year 5
5SP – Jakob, 5DS – Elizabeth, 5F – Cullen
Year 6
6P – Ally, 6C – Chloe, 6S – James
Rock Stars
Amazing effort:
Year 3
3C – Elizabeth, 3T – Sarah, 3SB –Ava
Year 4
4W – Beatrice, 4S – Nicholas, 4PR – Finley
Year 5
5SP – Rhoda, 5DS – Elizabeth, 5F – Ayden
Year 6
6P – , 6B – Mikey/George/Finley, 6C –
Bridge –
Most active class in each year group:
Year 3: 3SB
Year 4: 4W
Year 5: 5DS
Year 6: 6B
NumBots best effort:
Year 1: Ivy (1CL), Ruth (1P), Mia v. (1M)
Year 2: Max H (2B), Elisa (2G), Sophie (2B)
Photo credits:
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash