4th May 2023 Newsletter – Coronation Special
This week’s top news & reminders
Listen to us sing
For those whose who couldn’t join the singing today, here are a couple of songs for you to enjoy!

Tesco Community Grant
Thank you to everyone who voted for St Mark’s in Tesco’s during the scheme to win a community grant. It has now finished and we are delighted to have come second and have been awarded £1000!
FOSM Updates
A brand new event to highlight the importance of exercise, bring families together and help raise money for the school!
Regular FOSM Information
- Visit our page here: Friend’s of St Mark’s page
- Visit our shop here!
- Get in touch: fosm@stmarksce.org.uk
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
If your child(ren) usually has free school meals and you would like some support with covering the extra food costs, please contact Vicky Elms (v.elms@st-markscofe.hants.
sch.uk) so that we can arrange a food bank voucher on your behalf.
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
Watch this space next week for a double dose of star achievements!
Music of the Week!
Star Wars Main Title by John Williams
A perfect piece of music for Star Wars fans on May 4th!
Photo credits:
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash