30th March 2023 Newsletter – Bumper Edition
Happy Easter!
A note from Mr Applegate
Well done to Years 3 & 4 on their excellent Easter performance. And your donations raised £220 for Mud House Children’s Foundation.
Thanks to our FOSM team for running a very special Easter Egg hunt last Saturday. It was a lot of fun, and raised £802.33 for the school. Just brilliant :) THANK YOU to parents for their continued support.
The French non-school uniform day also raised £650! Thank you to everyone for your generous donations. This money goes towards to breakfast costs and also FOSM fundraising.
This week’s top news & reminders
- Need support with food over the Easter Holidays? – please see our Foodbank section below and contact us – we can help you
- No After Schools Clubs during the first week back (all clubs start w/c 24th April)
- PE will start the first week back – please see our PE section below for your child’s days for the new term
- Music lessons will continue the first week back
- Years 2-5 – Would your child like to start or continue music lessons for the next academic year? We are now accepting applications for a places to start lessons in September 2023 (KS2 children only). By submitting an application you will almost certainly get a place so please read the T&Cs carefully when applying as you pay for missed lessons. Deadline is 21st April: Apply here
- Car Park Parking – Permission Request Form. We have revoked all permissions to use the car park due to over congestion. If you require temporary permission to use the car park please re-apply here: Car Park Permission Request
Things to remember for the next school week
Who1? | What to remember? | When? |
Children with music lessons | Instruments | First week back |
Year 4 | Swimming Bag | First day back – Mon&Weds |
Who1? | What to remember? | When? | |
Children with music lessons | Instruments | First week back |
French Culture Day
Thanks so much for your support of our special day today. We had a great time learning about French Culture. We welcome any feedback from your children. A special thanks to Miss Stonehouse and Mrs Barr for making it all happen! Also to our special guests for reading stories to our children in French :)
Agents of Change
Well done to Tom and Ally in Year 6, who are taking part in a 1km swimathon for Cancer Research and Marie Curie. We think they are Agents of Change!
If you’d like to support their efforts, you can donate here:
Science Competition
Thank you to all the super scientists who helped lead Science Week.
Mark Roberts introduced this year’s theme – Connections – and inspired us all with his enthusiasm for his work. His “Build a Paper Bridge” teacher challenge illustrated the principles of scientific investigation and helped to show that we all have the potential to be scientists.
In Key Stage 2, Dr Holly Dove led a talk describing her work in the field of virology. The children listened carefully and asked thoughtful questions to deepen their understanding. She raised awareness of science as a possible career. In Key Stage 1 and Year R, Karon Rogers created some WOW moments with her exciting science experiments.
Thank you to all the children who entered the poster competition. The science team were overwhelmed by the effort and care taken and the knowledge shown by those who took part. As a result, all the children will receive a small prize. The main winners are:
Thomas Puffins
Alisha 2B
Bailey 3T
Max 4S
Ellie 5SP
Aidan 6C
FOSM Updates
NEW EVENT – Family 5k Sponsored Walk!
Regular FOSM Information
- Visit our page here: Friend’s of St Mark’s page
- Visit our shop here!
- Get in touch: fosm@stmarksce.org.uk
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
If your child(ren) usually has free school meals and you would like some support with covering the extra food costs of half term, please contact Vicky Elms (v.elms@st-markscofe.hants.
sch.uk) so that we can arrange a food bank voucher on your behalf.
Music of the Week!
Adiemus: Karl Jenkins
Karl Jenkins is a Welsh composer and musician. Adiemus is one of his most well-known pieces, used in adverts.
Well done Bridge children!
A beautiful display with such high-quality work, all about Paddington Bear’s journey.
Photo credits:
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash