21st July Newsletter – Reminders for September, farewells, thank yous and more!
This week’s top news & reminders
- First day back – Monday 5th September
- Uniform – click here for details, including Skoolkit ordering.
- School Meals – we start with Pabulum on 5th September. See the new menu here. We know it will be tasty – and great portion sizes!
- PE – We’ll be doing PE twice a week (days to be confirmed). Children can wear PE kit to school.
- Timings – we’ll be sticking to gates of 8:30-8:50am, and then at 3:10pm,
- Music Lessons – Confirmation emails regarding music lessons for September 2022 have now gone out.
- School bags – can be ordered here.
- Google accounts – school google accounts will be disabled over the summer holidays and re-enabled again on inset day
A note from Mr Applegate
Thank you so much for making this year such a success. We’ve done so much, and it’s been a year in 2 parts: September to April, full of Covid absences and restructions, and then April to July, where we packed a whole school year into a term! Or it felt like it at least :)
We have a great end-of-term worship on Thursday. We said goodbye to staff who are leaving us for pastsures new. On behalf of all of our staff, thank you for the cards and gifts you’ve generously given.
Our Year 6 children had an incredible Leaver’s Service on Wednesday. We shared the success of character of each child, and sent them on their way to Year 7. We are so proud of each child, and will miss them dearly.
I know you join me in saying a huge thank you to all of our staff. It’s been a tough year, but they’ve been superb in wanting to deliver the best for your children. Again, I’m very proud of our team, and thankful for them.
I wish you and your family all the very best for the summer break. Oh, and have you heard our school song?
Best wishes, Mr Applegate
Outside Areas Revamp – Update
Work has begun on our outside area! We shared with the children in worship what some of our plans are. You may have heard the ideas of hens, ponds, forest areas, climbing equipment and more, sensory garden, reflection garden and more. Whilst we need to fine tune the details, the principles and thinking is there. Please know that your generosity is making this a reality, and we are all very excited! Please do feed back any comments you have, or if you are able to help us! There is a lot of clearing to do :)
Can I ask you to come to our AGM, where we will be looking at at electing a new team for FOSM? Nominations are already being accepted for Chair, treasurer and secretary. Please submit names to the Chair (chair.fosm@stmarksce.org.uk) by start of the meeting where a vote will be held to select the new representatives. Anyone attending the meeting can also put themselves forward for any of the roles. FOSM is a friendly team who are passionate about helping the children and community of St Mark’s. So save the date – Monday 12th September (evening). Thanks!
SCL Price Change
SCL are increasing their prices from starting in September: £14 for a full session, £11 from 4:15pm.
Well done Ruby!
Last weekend Ruby was competing in swimming, and achieved great results. She is the NEW club record holder for 100 freestyle! She also achieved 400 freestyle gold, 50 Backstroke Gold, 200 Breast gold, 100 freestyle Gold and club Record, 400IM Gold
200 Freestyle Gold, 200 Backstroke Silver. 50 Free style Bronze. and 50 Fly Bronze. INCREDIBLE!!!
Gymnastics achievements
- Emilia, Robyn, Kayla & Claudia all competed in the 7 year old girls category in disciplines including Floor, Beam, Vault and Trampette, and won 4 golds, 4 silvers and 3 bronze medals.
- Sophie competed in the Advanced Trampolining category, going up against some much older children, and won the gold!

School Events, Lunches, and Clubs
Upcoming events and trips
- First day back to school is Monday 5th September
Year 4:
- New year 5! Winchester Science Museum Trip: Thurs 20th October
We look forward to our new caters Pabulum bringing fresh changes to school in September!
Academic year dates
Inset Days – Thursday 1st September, Friday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd January 2023, Friday 31st March 2023, Monday 5th June 2023
Term dates for 2022-2023 – Click here for more info
Applications for September 2022/3 clubs will be released during the first week of the new school year.
Jubilee Entries

Jubilee Winners!

Music of the week!
Vivaldi was an Italian baroque composer. The Four Seasons Suite is one of his most recognisable pieces of work that give character to the 4 seasons of the year.
Foundation Governor Required!
We have a brilliant governing body, and have a vacancy for a foundation governor. Why not join us?
A foundation governor is appointed to the governing body to support the religious character of the school. In church schools, governors are guardians of the vision and Christian ethos, keeping it alive and ensuring that it is implemented.
Being a governor also involves meeting with other governors (12 meetings across the year), meeting with staff a few times across the year, and visiting the school to help us show we are doing all that we need to be doing!
If you are interested in finding out more, please email the office here. Or why not suggest this to someone you think might be interested?!
If you’ve got some communicty news you’d like to share, let us know.
The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.
Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879
Join our Facebook group here.