Welcome back to Summer 2!

As a parent said to me, “The world is beginning to feel normal again.” Quite something considering the past 3 years we’ve had.
We’ve extended the deadline to return the 70p plus whatever has been grown! New deadline – Friday 17th June.
The ideas have been amazing, as have the amounts! Special mention to Max and Milo in Year 1 (£720 for this), Zach 3T and Harry Puffins who raised £255 for a virtual duck race, and Ben in 3T who raised £89.70! Whatever the amount raised, we so grateful. Hopefully it’s brought lots of enjoyment for your family, too.
You can either return the cash or if you would prefer with a cheque, please make this payable to ‘Hampshire County Council’. In a named enveople please! If you have not been able to raise any funds, then that is no problem but you must return the original 70p that was sent home. If you’ve given money through another way (e.g. FOSM), please email the office to let them know too so we can add to the total.
Well done to Annabelle in 4T for raising £80.70 by selling ice creams at the jubilee celebrations!
Well done everyone for a fantastic Sports Day! It was great to see smiles on everyone’s faces, and to be able to enjoy the event together after not being able to do it for 3 years. And well done Light Green Team KS1 and Yellow Team KS2 for coming 1st place!
On our Jubilee day all the classes helped to create key events of the Queen’s reign. We also completed some super work and have entered some for a competition at Hatch Warren Community Centre. Please enjoy a few photos:
How can you help?
School Trips
NSPCC Assemblies
FOSM Summer Fun Day – Sat 2nd July
Inset Days – Thursday 1st September, Friday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd January 2023, Friday 31st March 2023, Monday 5th June 2023
We have a brilliant governing body, and have a vacancy for a foundation governor. Why not join us?
A foundation governor is appointed to the governing body to support the religious character of the school. In church schools, governors are guardians of the vision and Christian ethos, keeping it alive and ensuring that it is implemented.
Being a governor also involves meeting with other governors (12 meetings across the year), meeting with staff a few times across the year, and visiting the school to help us show we are doing all that we need to be doing!
If you are interested in finding out more, please email the office here. Or why not suggest this to someone you think might be interested?!
Vannesa-Mae is a Singaporean-born British violinist. Her music style is self-described as “violin techno-acoustic fusion”, as several of her albums prominently feature the techno style with the classical style.
If you’ve got some communicty news you’d like to share, let us know.
The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.
Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879
Join our Facebook group here.
How have we reached the final half term of Year 5 already? We can’t believe how quickly this year has gone so far. We are really looking forward to our final topic too – the Vikings!
Attached are our Topic Web and Knowledge Organiser for this half term. The Topic Web gives you an insight into what we are planning on covering in each subject and the Knowledge Organiser gives you lots of facts and information about our Viking topic so that you can learn about these at home too.
We have lots of trips coming up too – Swimming, Ufton Court and Brighton Hill. Please ensure the forms are completed for these as soon as possible and keep note of these dates. It’s going to be a busy half term!
Thank you, as always, for your on-going support,
The Year 5 Team
Year 5 Sum 2 – Knowledge Organiser
We had the most incredible half term in Summer 1 learning all about the Caribbean! The children fully immersed themselves in their learning about the Windrush and Caribbean culture and we were so proud of their maturity and enthusiasm in this topic.
The children started by learning about the Windrush ship and exploring some sources about the initial event before learning about Caribbean music and making some colourful mindmaps to show all the music genres that have been influenced by this. The children then learned about Carnival and wrote beautiful newspaper reports all about the Notting Hill Carnival – we couldn’t believe some the facts about this event! Then the children moved onto Sport and learned all about the different athletes that are a part of the Windrush generation before designing their own sports kits. Learning about the Windrush scandal a few years ago really shocked the children and they pretended to be MPs writing to the Prime Minister at the time (Theresa May) about their feelings surrounding this. Finally, the children brought all their learning together by reflecting upon the way the Caribbean cultures have impacted British culture today before celebrating everything in our Carnival Day. We made masks, we made flags, we made up dances and we paraded around the school with the other year groups coming out to wave and watch us. It was incredible! We also had a wonderful Jubilee day too celebrating our amazing Queen. What a half term!
Here are some pieces of work from the last few weeks.
Year 1 have had a brilliant and very busy start to the summer term! Armed with magnifying glasses and our colour hunt challenges, the children enjoyed using their senses to explore the meadow and all of the insects, trees and flowers there. We all felt so lucky to have such an amazing open space so close to school and wrote recounts of our walk during our English lessons.
The children used a variety of skills to design, assemble and evaluate their own model windmills. They persevered with their cutting skills and showed great teamwork, helping one another constructing their turbines. We thought about what Boris the Robot told us and kept reminding ourselves that ‘No way through isn’t true’.
The children enjoyed every single second celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee and a big highlight for all was our first Whole School Worship! Everyone certainly dressed to impress and we loved coming together for our street party lunch and dancing and singing on the field in the afternoon. The week flew by making bunting and paper chains, designing our own postage stamps, making a class contribution for a whole school timeline of the Queen’s life and learning to sing and dance to The Lambeth Walk. We even found the time to create a year group paving slab for our school Jubilee Garden! We hope that you all enjoyed your own celebrations during the half term break too!