5th March Newsletter – School Return, Simba’s Library, Home Testing, Music Lessons and more

I know you join me in thanking all of our staff for their efforts since Christmas. Juggling class teaching, live teaching and the strains of lockdown has been tricky, but they have been great and always wanted to make it the best for the children and families. Thank you too as parents and carers for your support in so many ways, including those who have been able to keep your children at home and helping with home learning. I really am grateful to you all. Mr Applegate.
- School returns 8th March – compulsory for all children. Remember – staggered start and collection times. School will look like it did in the Autumn term! We can’t wait to see them!
- PLEASE – Don’t play on the equipment/sit on the benches/gazebos after school (we have to clean it). Don’t stand around chatting or waiting for friends on site (we need to reduce congestion). Observe social distancing. Don’t come in the classroom, and do a quick dropoff without standing at the door and talking. THANK YOU!!!
- Non-Uniform day – 31st March (last day of this term). Raising money for FOSM!
- Bikeability for Year 6, all of next week – please come in via the Year 6 gate.
- Jacket Potato is a new option on our menus as from Tuesday. See here.
Members of households, childcare or support bubbles of pupils – you can get your own home LFD testing kits and test twice weekly
The following is taken from this government webpage, and explains where and how you can get the home test kits from:
- Take a test at a rapid lateral flow test site – You can take a rapid lateral flow test at a local site. Testing at these sites is assisted, which means you will swab yourself under the supervision of a trained operator. You may need to book an appointment. Find your nearest rapid lateral flow test site.
- Collect test kits You can collect 2 packs of home test kits at a local collection point. Each pack contains 7 tests. Anyone 18 or over can collect. Most collection points are open from 1.30pm to 7pm. You can check online if the location is open or busy before you go. You do not need to make an appointment. Do not visit a collection point outside opening hours, as it may be used to test people with coronavirus symptoms outside these times. Find your nearest home test kit collection point. The Anvil is also a collection point even if it doesn’t show up on the website.
- Order home test kits online If you cannot get tested at your workplace, or are unable to go to a test site or collect test kits, you can order a home test kit online. Do not order online if you can get a test through other methods. This frees up home delivery for those who need it most. Order rapid lateral flow home test kits
What twice-weekly testing with LFD involves
You will be asked to: take a test twice a week (every 3 or 4 days apart); report every result to NHS Test and Trace on the same day you take the test; Report your test result online or by calling 119. If anyone tests positive or gets coronavirus symptoms, they should tell the school and: self-isolate immediately; get a PCR test to confirm the result; follow the stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection
A negative result means the test did not find signs of coronavirus. But this does not guarantee you do not have coronavirus, so you should keep following all coronavirus advice including regular handwashing, social distancing and wearing a face covering where recommended.
Music Lessons
All instrumental lessons will resume in school as of next Monday 8th March. Your child’s lesson will be on the same day as it was prior to lockdown. Any changes to lesson times within the school day will be shared with their class teacher.
Piano Lessons
We currently have two spaces available for piano lessons. Please follow the link below for more information and to fill out an application for your child.
Star Learners – Home and At School
Well done to:
- Year R: Harry W, Yousha, Ella, Elliana, Gabriel, Marco
- Year 1: Emily, Kayla, Arianne, Jessica, Maya, Tilly
- Year 2: Brogan, Freyja, Isabelle Ra, Evie, Ella, Frankie
- Year 3: Marianna, Ruby, Myla, Harvey, Manuel, Sofia
- Year 4: Sam C, Sophie B, Kalel, Logan, Sam L, Felicity
- Year 5: Freya, Samanta, Reece, Erica, Toby Hollie
- Year 6: Oliver H, Zesiro, Ava P, Rylan, Katie D, Edward M
FOSM Events Coming up!
- Non-Uniform Day – 31st March
- Easter Egg Hunt during the Easter break
- Car Washes – 24th April, 12th June, 17th July
- Staff vs Parent Challenge
- Sponsored Sports Day
- and more!
Guitar lesson spaces – a message from Mr Maycock
There are some spaces available for new pupils (current years 3, 4, 5 and 6) to have guitar lessons with me from the summer term onwards. As the lessons are taught based on class bubbles, there is varying availability. Lessons take place during the school day on Thursdays. Sessions are 20 minutes and taught in groups. The cost is equivalent to £5 per lesson.
If you are interested in your child joining the lessons, please email me for more details, providing your child’s name and class. Should there not be a suitable space for your child due to limitations with bubbles, I can put them on a waiting list to start in September. Please contact Adrian Maycock – Guitar Teacher Email: adrianmaycock@gmail.com www.adrianmaycock.co.uk
School Crossing Patrol at Woodbury Road South
This will be starting as from Wednesday 10th March. This will be a new crossing patrol officer, so please make them feel welcome – and make their job easy! Thanks :)
CoolMilk and Fruit/Veg snacks
Milk deliveries resume next week (free for children under 5, and paid for older children), starting Wednesday. Fruit/veg also starts again. This is free for all KS1 children.
Regular Notices
Sign-up for our school prayer points mailing list
Would you like to join our prayer points mailing list? In conjunction with Immanuel church, this is a new opportunity to receive by email a half-termly prayer point list for our school. Click here to find out more.
Covid Reminders
- Use the email covid@stmarksce.org.uk if you have questions or need to report symptoms or a positive case.
- Please keep us updated – for example, of test results.
- Read this letter from Public Health England about symptoms and testing.
- NHS Symptoms Check
- If a child or parent is at home because of symptoms, please keep the siblings off too. IE the whole household needs to isolate, and the person with symptoms needs to get a test.
- We are moving online with homework, spellings and Google Classrooms. If you need help with technology, please do let us know by emailing the office.
- If a child is off school but able to work, then Google Classroom work is available – and it should be completed. Teachers spend a lot of time making sure this work is available so no-one misses out!
Do you have a spare laptop you don’t need?
Do you have a laptop lying around, which we can use to support children at home? Doesn’t need to be new or quick. We blitz it, and install all the software necessary. That way a child who doesn’t have access to a laptop for home learning can really benefit. If you can help, please email the office.
Online Forms
- Absence Request form – going to be absent (e.g. wedding, funeral, holiday etc)? Use this form
- Pupil Premium Form – have your work/benefit circumstances changed? Complete this form so we can check if your child is elligible for free school meals and other support at school.
- Getting Home Arrangements – tell us how your child gets home each day.
- Mobile Phone Request – for older children needing to bring a phone to school
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.
Get in touch with us
Never Too Young to talk Mental Health
So spring is upon us and it has been lovely to see the sun shining. 🌞🌼
I am passionate about mental health and it being spoken about as freely and informatively as possible. This booklet from the Anna Freud website, is helpful for parents and carers.
Have a lovely rest of the week. Mrs Greer.