10th December Newsletter – Christmas update, staffing news and more!
A note from Mr Applegate
- On Friday, we have our FOSM Christmas party – please give generously as it’s our only Christmas fundraiser. Thank you! Thanks to Dave Payne for his party creativity and video fun! Buckets for donations on the gates. Children can wear a Christmas jumper- homemade, decorated or purchased!
- The Christmas spirit has truly set in at St Mark’s! The Years 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 children sang so well at our carol events this week – as did the adults! YR&6 has been rearranged for Weds 15th, 5-6pm.
- The children are also busy recording a special Christmas surprise for you. They should be emailed out next week!
- Ask your child about our Christmas Joke Advent calendar!
- INSET day – Tuesday 4th Jan 2021! First day back is Weds 5th Jan.
Mrs Alsey’s Success
I am very proud to announce that Mrs Alsey, one of our Deputy Head Teachers, has successfully secured the headship at Tadley Community Primary School. She will be finishing at St Mark’s at Easter, taking up the helm in the Summer term.
Mrs Alsey has been at St Mark’s for 5 years, and we have worked together at another school for the previous 5 years. Throughout that time, she has proved to be an excellent leader, making a positive impact in all areas of school life. Her dedication to children with additional needs is outstanding, and along with the St Mark’s team, she has led huge improvements to our Bridge provision.
We are grateful to have Mrs Alsey’s sense of fun, attention to detail, and deep care for our children and staff, and she will leave a strong legacy at St Mark’s in so many areas. It is also worth stating that Mrs Alsey is affectionately known as our “Chief Medical Officer”, and deserves much appreciation for our Covid risk assessments and understanding of the ever-changing government guidance.
I know you will join me in sending her huge congratulations, and wishing her every success in her new role.
Christmas at St Mark’s!
Christmas Cards – If your child would like to send cards to other children in our school, please bring them in by Tues 14 Dec. Remember to put the recieving child’s name and class or year group on the envelope!
Christmas Lunch – Thursday 16th Dec (already ordered) Please send your child in wearing their school uniform.
Christmas FOSM Party – Friday 17th Dec- bring a donation for FOSM, enjoy a brilliant party!
Christmas Jumpers – Friday 17th Dec – whether homemade, decorated or purchased, wear them today!
Changes in PE days for Spring Term
- Monday – Year 6
- Tuesday – Year 1 and Year 5
- Wednesday – Year 4
- Thursday – Year R
- Friday – Year 2 and Year 3
Immanuel / St Mark’s Kempshot Services
Sunday 12th December
10.30am – Nativity Service (St Mark’s, Kempshott)
6.00pm – Carols by Candlelight. (Immanuel)
Christmas Eve. (24th December
3.00pm – Crib Service (Immanuel)
11.30pm – Midnight Service (Immanuel)
Christmas Day
9.30 – Christmas morning service (St Marks (Kempshott))
Road Safety Update
Further to our message last week… if you’d like to petition the council for a zebra crossing here, please contact Cllr Stephen Reid here (he knows about this!).
Upcoming Dates for your diary
- INSET Day – Tuesday 4th Jan. First day back Weds 5th Jan
Vacancies at St Mark’s
We are looking for 2 friendly, reliable and enthusiastic people to join our amazing cleaning team.
Hours of work are 3.30pm to 6.30pm Monday to Friday with an hourly rate of £9.25 per hour.
If you would like to apply for the position please email the school office for an application form at adminoffice@st-markscofe.hants.sch.uk
Breakfast Club Vacancy – New post

Star Learners
Star Learner Awards:
- Year R: Georgia, Andrew, Amy
- Year 1: Max H, Alvaro, Marco
- Year 2: Jamie, Maya, Callan
- Year 3: Liam, Chloe, Jasper
- Year 4: Gabriella, Myla, Elouise
- Year 5: Charlie R, Emilia, Eva
- Year 6: Igor, Travis, Gemma
Rock Stars
- Year 3: Freddie, Ewan, Tomasz, Benjamin
- Year 4: Chloe Me, Jack Daw, Elizabeth, George H
- Year 5: Sophie G, Irebami, Zach, Ava
- Year 6: Joseph H, Issac B, Harry, Igor
Most active class players:
4PG & 4H with 67% of the class playing!
- Year1: Zachary A, Amaira, Ayaan
- Year 2: Lucia, Mimi, Connie
Star Reader Awards:
- Year 1: William, Theo, Thomas
- Year 2: Jacob, Robyn, Camila
- Year 3: Jack W, Jack K, Thea
- Year 4: Charlie B, Jas, Harry C
- Year 5: Marcus, Amelia S, Dylan
- Year 6: Freya, Erica, Nyle
FOSM – Support Our School!
The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.
Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879
Join our Facebook group here.