Newsletter – 22nd Jan – Staff Covid testing – FOSM bookshop now open

- Check out our new FOSM bookshop – buy discounted books related to your child’s learning at school, and earn money for our school! Link at top of website too!
- Regular Covid testing for staff begins soon.
- Home Learning – remember it’s not optional. School is now online, not closed. We are understanding of family circumstances though.
- For adults dropping children at school, please remember to: stay away from the classroom door; socially distance with other adults, and; wear masks- thanks!
- If you have a spare/old laptop that you can donate, please let us know by emailing us. We’ll wipe the hard drive for you too.
- If your child (whether at home or school) is showing symptoms or tests postive, please let us know at the covid email address.
Covid testing for staff
Starting this week, we are introducing staff coivd testing. This is a home test done twice a week, and aims to idenitfy those who may be asymptomatic. It’s a government scheme that we are taking part in.
Please be aware that this may mean bubbles may close! By definition, we don’t know if an asymptomatic adult has the virus, but the test will tell us. Staff will do the tests on Mondays and Thursday each week, early evening. This gives time for accurate test results, as well as for us and your familiy to make plans in case of a positive test.
If a staff member tests positive:
- We will inform the affected bubble(s) by text and email ASAP. Please be in the habit of checking emails/phone messages.
- Your child in the bubble will need to self-isolate, but not your household. SIblings can still come to school if they are currently physically attending (government guidance!), although you may want to be cautious and keep them at home.
- The home learning and live lessons/checkins will carry on as normal. Let us know if you need a laptop. If a teacher is unwell, one of the other class teachers will be taking the live lessons.
FIngers crossed we won’t need to do any of this, and we’ve been very fortunate so far. We continue to implement robust measures at school to reduce risks and keep everyone as safe as we can.
I know you’ll join me in thanking our staff for undertaking this additional task, amongst all extra aspects they are managing at this time.
FOSM bookshop now open!
We are excited to announce that FOSM now has its own bookshop! You can find it by clicking here:
For every book purchased through the site, FOSM will get 10% of the price.
We have put together a wide selection of titles from activity books and books to save the planet, through to books to boost confidence as well as books being shared in school. There are even some books for grown-ups on the site.
If you would like to share any books that you and your family have enjoyed we’d be delighted to add them to the shop. If there is a book you’d like to purchase, but its not listed in the bookshop yet, then you can drop us a line and we will make sure it’s added.
The FOSM Bookshop is hosted on a new platform that supports independent booksellers who are really struggling currently. was set up to provide a convenient and affordable alternative to buying through Amazon. There is a small delivery charge on orders but all books are sold at a discount on rrp. You can find out more about here:
Please contact Clare Hodder at with any questions about the shop or to send your recommendations or requests for books to add to the shop.
Star Learners – Home and At School
Well done to:
- Year R: Josh E, Anabelle, Maxwell, Aiden, Max H, Max T
- Year 1: Alfie, Jacob, Ruby L, Reuben, Jackson, Olivia H
- Year 2 Hannah, Freya, Chloe, Lottie R, Thea, Jasper, Ava:
- Year 3: Jack & Jack, (3SB), Archie, Laila, Jakob, Chloe (3PG)
- Year 4: Bethany C, Harry A, Eleanor, Tanisha, Neve, Eddie
- Year 5: Gemma, Sophia E, Reece, Aidan, Craig, Samuel W
- Year 6: Nicolas, Sofie, Izzy, Simone, Will B, Liam
Water Bottles
If you require a water bottle, could you please email the school office at
Please note we have had to change our supplier and the bottles are now £1.50 each
From Last Week
Google Classroom / Meets Etiquette
- Please make sure locations are appropriate if your child is on a Google Meet. (eg not in bed). Be conscious of what’s going on in the background, too.
- Children should be dressed appropriately (eg not in pyjamas).
- Children should only be typing in the chat when invited to by the staff, and not ‘chatting with friends’ – especially during lessons.
Cleaner Vacancy
FINAL WEEK! We are looking for a friendly, reliable and enthusiastic person to join our amazing cleaning team.
Hours of work are 3.30pm to 6.30pm Monday to Friday with an hourly rate of £9.25 per hour.
If you would like to apply for the position please email the school office for an application form at
Regular Notices
Sign-up for our school prayer points mailing list
Would you like to join our prayer points mailing list? In conjunction with Immanuel church, this is a new opportunity to receive by email a half-termly prayer point list for our school. Click here to find out more.
SCL After school care and Half Term Child Care
Click here for regular after school care at St Mark’s.
Covid Reminders
- Use the email if you have questions or need to report symptoms or a positive case.
- Please keep us updated – for example, of test results.
- Read this letter from Public Health England about symptoms and testing.
- NHS Symptoms Check
- If a child or parent is at home because of symptoms, please keep the siblings off too. IE the whole household needs to isolate, and the person with symptoms needs to get a test.
- We are moving online with homework, spellings and Google Classrooms. If you need help with technology, please do let us know by emailing the office.
- If a child is off school but able to work, then Google Classroom work is available – and it should be completed. Teachers spend a lot of time making sure this work is available so no-one misses out!
Do you have a spare laptop you don’t need?
Do you have a laptop lying around, which we can use to support children at home? Doesn’t need to be new or quick. We blitz it, and install all the software necessary. That way a child who doesn’t have access to a laptop for home learning can really benefit. If you can help, please email the office.
Online Forms
- Absence Request form – going to be absent (e.g. wedding, funeral, holiday etc)? Use this form
- Pupil Premium Form – have your work/benefit circumstances changed? Complete this form so we can check if your child is elligible for free school meals and other support at school.
- Getting Home Arrangements – tell us how your child gets home each day.
- Mobile Phone Request – for older children needing to bring a phone to school
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.