Latest Newsletter

Key dates coming up
9th Dec – Last day for Christmas Cards (see below)
From 14th Dec – Children’s Christmas videos will be available (bear with us as there is a lot of editing!)
15th Dec – Last day for Staff gifts (see below)
17th Dec – Non uniform, Christmas Lunch and afternoon party – with a massive surprise!
18th Dec – Last day of term – normal finish times
4th Jan – INSET DAY
5th Jan – Term starts for children
Staff Gifts: There is never any expectation or pressure to buy staff Christmas presents. However, if you would like to, please bring them in by 15th Dec to allow for quarantine. Thank you.
Christmas Cards – to be Covid-safe, the last day for bringing in Christmas cards for other children is 9th Dec. Cards will then be quarantined, sorted, and re-quarantined before handing out. Remember, no name and class on the envelope means no delivery!
Goodbye and Thank you!
We sadly said goodbye to Mrs Friend this week. She has been part of our lunchtime team for 6 years, and part of our school for 10 years as her children were at St Mark’s. On behalf of our school community, we thank thank you, and all the best in the future!
Simba and the North Pole
Between now and Christmas we’ve got our sponsored walk to help get Simba to the North Pole to meet Santa. Sponsorship form is here! We’re holding a non-uniform day with Christmas party (Thursday 17th Dec – same day as Christmas Lunch), which MAY also include a surprise appearance from a very special guest (we’re not promising anything just yet!). We’re also trying to arrange a small virtual Christmas raffle. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to have as many prizes as we would normally do given the current situation, but we hope you’ll still want to win and buy tickets.
(As you are probably aware, we are unable to hold our Christmas Fayre this year. We are so disappointed as not only does this raise around £5000 each year for our school, but it’s always a great day and offers many of our children the opportunity for a visit with Santa.)
Non Uniform Day
FOSM will be holding a non uniform day on Thursday 17th December for the class Christmas parties.
There will be buckets on the school gates to help raise funds. Thank you for your generosity so far, it really helps our school :-)
Thank you Gift
An amazing grandparent, who wishes to remain anonymous, has kindly donated £250 towards our school fundraising total. Thank you so much – we are so grateful!
FOSM news
Simba Raffle – Congratulations to Madison H in Year 6 who won the Simba raffle! Thank you to everyone who took part.
Nearly New Uniform – we have a new email address. If you would like to purchase any Nearly New Uniform, please email your request to:
St Mark’s Christmas Eve book sale
Local author and St Mark’s school mum Caroline Meek has created a new Christmas Eve book. We have 200 copies available. The price is £5 per book with all profits from the sale going to St Marks.
If you would like to purchase copies, please provide the right amount of cash or a cheque in an envelope with your child’s name and their class detailed on the front, to your child’s class teacher, by Friday 11th December. All books will be delivered week commencing the 14th of December. Due to quarantine requirements we cannot accept late orders. Cheques should be paid to “Caroline Meek” and have the child’s name and class on the back.
Book snapshot: Christmas is Chloe and Ben’s favourite time of year. They love seeing how happy it makes everyone. Join them as they visit their neighbours from around the world, and find out how they celebrate Christmas.
All profits go to St Mark’s to support your children and SimplyHealth with match any money raised. Thank you for your support.
Well done Isobelle, and thank you Wates Construction!
Isobelle in year 5 sent in a drawing and explanation of why St Mark’s should be awarded a grant from Wates Construction. Not only did she do a brilliant job, she also won the money for our school – £500! Well done Isobelle! And thank you to mum, dad and Wates Construction for your support and generosity!
Basingstoke Family Support Service
During these difficult times it can be hard to know where to ask for help. Basingstoke Family Support Service provide free support and advice for families in need. Our Session of Support (SOS) appointments are available over the phone to assist with a concern you need help with. Let us know if you think this could help you.
RockStars Headliners
Star Learners Last Week!
Well done to:
- Year R: Thea, Kara, Elias
- Year 1: Callan, Ellie, Mia
- Year 2: Isobel, Ewan, Amber
- Year 3: Owen, George H, Ashley, Theo M
- Year 4: Ethan, James-Dean, Darcy
- Year 5: Emily, Neve, Annabella
- Year 6: Ollie P, Sophie Wh, Dan H
Immanuel Church
Regular Notices
Year R Tours – September 2021
Interested in joining St Mark’s for September 2021? We’re running tours and online sessions. Click here to find out more
SCL After school care and Half Term Child Care
Click here for Half-term child care booking! Held at Hatch Warren Community Centre.
Click here for regular after school care at St Mark’s.
Covid Reminders
- Use the email if you have questions or need to report symptoms or a positive case.
- Please keep us updated – for example, of test results.
- Read this letter from Public Health England about symptoms and testing.
- NHS Symptoms Check
- If a child or parent is at home because of symptoms, please keep the siblings off too. IE the whole household needs to isolate, and the person with symptoms needs to get a test.
- We are moving online with homework, spellings and Google Classrooms. If you need help with technology, please do let us know by emailing the office.
- If a child is off school but able to work, then Google Classroom work is available – and it should be completed. Teachers spend a lot of time making sure this work is available so no-one misses out!
Do you have a spare laptop you don’t need?
Do you have a laptop lying around, which we can use to support children at home? Doesn’t need to be new or quick. We blitz it, and install all the software necessary. That way a child who doesn’t have access to a laptop for home learning can really benefit. If you can help, please email the office.
What is your child learning this term?
Read the following for your child’s year group to find out more! It includes information about homework, reading, general expectations and more. The Knowledge Organiser helps you to know the knowledge the children should be learning for their project. Test them and see how they are getting on!
- Year 1 Polar Explorers Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Year 1 Polar Explorers Topic web.pdf
- Year 2 Surprising Journeys Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Year 2 Surprising Journeys Topic Web.pdf
- Year 3 - The Mystery of Metals Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Year 3 - The Mystery of Metals Topic Web.pdf
- Year 4 - There's no place like home knowledge organiser.pdf
- Year 4 - There's no place like home topic web.pdf
- Year 5 - Globe Trotting Around North America Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Year 5 - Globe Trotting Around North America Topic Web.pdf
- Year 6 Keep Calm and Carry On Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Year 6 Keep Calm and Carry Topic Web.pdf
- YearR newsletter Autumn 2 2020.pdf
Online Forms
- Absence Request form – going to be absent (e.g. wedding, funeral, holiday etc)? Use this form
- Pupil Premium Form – have your work/benefit circumstances changed? Complete this form so we can check if your child is elligible for free school meals and other support at school.
- Getting Home Arrangements – tell us how your child gets home each day.
- Mobile Phone Request – for older children needing to bring a phone to school
Recent Posts – have you missed anything?
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.