Latest Newsletter – FOSM events, parent meetings and more

Message from Mr Applegate
The weather has turned this week, although the children have coped well. Don’t forget to send in coats!
School photos on Monday (28th Sept)! Will be outside, weather permitting.
A reminder – please know your child’s login and password for Google Classroom! Homework and various online meetings require them.
We’re excited to share about our “Key Messages” meetings, which will be online using Google Meet. Details below.
Would you be able to have school lunches next Thursday, 1st October? It really helps our school funding as it is “census day”. It’s roast gammon or vegetarian sausages. Yum! Free for children in Year R, 1 & 2. It’s £2.40 for those not entitled to Free School Meals. Makes a HUGE difference to us.
Finally, non-uniform next Friday (2nd October) for FOSM fundraiser – wear a colour from the rainbow!
Have a good weekend, Mr Applegate
FOSM Events – Non-School Uniform and more
Non-School uniform – Friday 2nd October – Donations collected at the gate! Wear a colour from the rainbow.
Car wash @ St Mark’s – Saturday 3rd October – details below!
Parent Lottery – Win £25,000 each week and raise money for school. Click here for more info. It’s an ongoing event.
Look out for Christmas Cards and Scavenger Hunt details coming soon!
Join the FOSM Facebook group here.
FOSM Car Wash
Saturday 3rd October
School Car Park
KS1 10am-11:30am
KS2 11:30am-1pm
Children in both? Choose your time!
£5 – small car
£8 – SUV/MPV/large car
£10 – van
Card and cash accepted
The event will be Covid safe, too!
Breakfast Club Spaces
We now have spaces available, either for the full week or on certain days. Please email the office if needed.
“Key Messages” Meetings for parents – Online – Via Google Meet
We’re running a ‘Key Messages’ meeting for each year group- a bit like the curriculum evenings run before. It will last about 30mins, and includes time for you to ask questions. Links will be posted in Google Classrooms shortly before the meeting. Meetings take place on Google Meet (not Zoom). Please make sure you are able to login to Google Classroom/Meet anyway – homework is set on this for Y1-Y6 children!
- Year 1 – Mon, 5 Oct, 4pm
- Year 2 – Mon, 5 Oct, 5pm
- Year 3 – Tues, 6 Oct, 4pm
- Year 6 – Tues, 6 Oct, 5pm
- Year 4 – Thur, 8 Oct, 4pm
- Year 5 – Thur, 8 Oct, 5pm
For Year R parents: The online meetings held before the summer have covered the same content as these will do, so they won’t be run for Year R. Parents’ Evenings are coming up, and there is important information here.
Parents’ Evenings – Online
These will also be held online. On 7th October, you will receive an email/letter giving details about booking a time slot soon. Your video meeting will last a maximum of 10 minutes (it cuts off at 10 minutes!). The video service is run by the same UK company that manages the bookings. You will be given a link, and no additional software/app is needed. To be clear, it’s not Google Meet or Zoom.
- 21st Oct 2020, Wed 16:20 – 18:30
- 4th Nov 2020, Wed 15:40 – 17:40
- 11th Nov 2020, Wed 16:00 – 18:00
For Year 6 parents: 4th November is the week of the PGL trip. Should the trip go ahead, we will just rearrange the bookings made for that day.
School Lunches
As from Monday 28th September, we revert back to a hot-meals menu.
The menu can be found here. We start on Week 3.
A reminder that any nut-based products or chocolate spreads should not be sent in.
PGL – Windmill Hill for current Year 6
Our message is still the same- we are highly unlikely to be able to go in November. We are regularly in communication with PGL, the insurance company and the county legal team, but it is too early to take ‘action’. We cannot yet cancel the trip.
Given the government’s recent announcements regarding 6 month long restriction, delaying the trip also presents difficulties. We will be waiting to see what happens for November, and then reviewing possibilities (and locations) for next year.
Residential trip for current Year 5?
Normally at this time of year we are talking to Year 5 parents about a trip for Year 6. We would like to do a trip for the children, but planning is extremely difficult. We will be in touch about later this in November. Our advice would be to put some money away each month ‘under the pillow’ so-to-speak, should we be able to book a trip at some point.
Year R Tours – September 2021
Interested in joining St Mark’s for September 2021? We’re running tours and online sessions. Click here to find out more
Covid Update
- Use the email if you have questions or need to report symptoms or a positive case.
- NHS Symptoms Check
- Please keep us updated – for example, of test results.
- Read this letter from Public Health England about symptoms and testing.
- We have had no positive cases in school.
- If a child or parent is at home because of symptoms, please keep the siblings off too. IE the whole household needs to isolate, and the person with symptoms needs to get a test.
- We are moving online with homework, spellings and Google Classrooms. If you need help with technology, please do let us know by emailing the office.
- If a child is off school but able to work, then Google Classroom work is available – and it should be completed. Teachers spend a lot of time making sure this work is available so no-one misses out!
Star Learners Last Week!
Well done to:
- Year R: Konrad, Sophie, Theo
- Year 1: Noah K, Bailey, Maisie
- Year 2: Riley, Marley, Nyasha
- Year 3: Charlie B, Theo M, Sebastian, Arthur
- Year 4: Zach, Ava, Marcus
- Year 5: Lexie, Nyle, Archie
- Year 6: Lucas V, Rylan, Alice
Regular Notices
Friends of St Mark’s (FOSM) AGM
Our FOSM team (PTA) work incredibly hard for our school. We run an AGM, which is a public meeting for all parents/carers to share ideas, discuss events, and see how St Mark’s can be supported financially. It also strengthen’s our community, too! Please do join us online!
Date: Tuesday 13th October, 7:30pm. Online only. The Zoom link is here.
FOSM is now a registered charity – can your business help us in anyway?
What is your child learning this term?
Read the following for your child’s year group to find out more! It includes information about homework, reading, general expectations and more. The Knowledge Organiser helps you to know the knowledge the children should be learning for their project. Test them and see how they are getting on!
- Year 1 Sensational Senses knowledge organiser.pdf
- Year 1 Sensational Senses Topic web for parents.pdf
- Year 2 Oh the places you'll go! Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Year 2 Oh! the places you'll go! Topic web.pdf
- Year 3 Dig and Discover knowledge organiser.pdf
- Year 3 Dig and Discover topic web for parents.pdf
- Year 4 Parent Information.pdf
- Year 4 Raiders of the Lost Cities - Knowledge Organiser.pdf
- Year 4 Topic Web.pdf
- Year 5 Connections Space Organiser.pdf
- Year 5 Connections topic web.pdf
- Year 6 Curriculum Information Rumble in the Jungle.pdf
- Year 6 Knowledge Organiser Rumble in the Jungle.pdf
- Year R newsletter Autumn 1 2020.pdf
Online Forms
- Absence Request form – going to be absent (e.g. wedding, funeral, holiday etc)? Use this form
- Pupil Premium Form – have your work/benefit circumstances changed? Complete this form so we can check if your child is elligible for free school meals and other support at school.
- Getting Home Arrangements – tell us how your child gets home each day.
- Mobile Phone Request – for older children needing to bring a phone to school
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.