Newsletter – Face Coverings & Starting The New School Year on Sept 7th

Message from Mr Applegate
I hope you’ve had a great summer break. Doesn’t it go fast?! Some may say it can’t end soon enough! It’s not over quite yet, but an early communication from school will hopefully help everyone.
I know we all have a mixture of emotions with going back to school. Many children haven’t been to school since March- that’s a long time ago. And we have lots of children joining us for the very first time! We are fully expecting children and adults to be feeling differently about the return, and anxiety is normal. However, I do want to reassure you that as a staff we have spent many, many hours making the school environment as safe and friendly as possible, including the day-to-day logistics. Our experience previously has been that whilst children may be nervous at first, it doesn’t take long before they settle in. Please know that we will welcome everyone back with a smile and our usual cheer!
And of course a huge welcome to our new Year R children and families, as well as those in other year groups who are new to our school. We hope that you find our school community to be warm and welcoming, and we look forward to you feeling at home with us.
See you on the 7th September! Mr Applegate
Important Messages / Summary
- Read the section on Face Coverings/Masks below- it’s affects parents too.
- Read the ‘September plans‘ (the only change has been the guidance on face coverings/masks). Youtube video may be helpful! Remember to have a back-up plan in case we have to call you to collect your child.
- We’ll be posting a child-friendly YouTube video for children this week. Also, Google Classroom accounts will be re-enabled to allow children to watch the video made in July about their new teacher.
- Got questions? Please email the office.
Can you help us please?
Can you give a couple hours on Saturday 5th September? 9-11am. Adults only please. We’ll tidy the grounds. You just need to bring any of the following: brooms, hedge trimmers (manual or electric + extension lead), wheelbarrows, fork, shovel, trowels, gloves, anything for weeding, etc. Click here if you can help. Thank you.
Face Covering / Masks – who should and shouldn’t wear a mask?
A hot topic! We hope this brings clarity to you and your children, and reassures you that we take everyone’s safety seriously. Remember, this is about keeping everybody safe, including the adults who work in the school. Having over 1000 people on site at drop-off and pickup times, and almost 750 during the day, means that we need everyone to play their part. As we reduce the risk at school, it also reduces the risk for families at home.
- Parents must wear face coverings/masks when on the school site, including when dropping off or collecting a child, or visiting the office (having first spoken to the office via email/phone).
- Pupils must not wear face coverings/masks whilst in school, although they can wear them to and from school. If a child has particular health needs, then please consult with the school about this. Where they wear a mask to school, we ask that parents take the mask home.
- Staff won’t be wearing face coverings/masks within the classroom environment (ie within the bubble), but will do so outside of the classroom where a distance of 2m cannot be maintained (for example, when in communal/office areas, walking within school, using the photocopier etc). Breakfast club and lunchtime staff will be wearing masks.
- Visitors, including those who visit the school regularly to meet with pupils, must wear masks at all times; where this is not deemed possible because of the nature of the work, the system of controls must be strictly adhered to.
Where face coverings/masks are worn, they must be suitable and appropriate in style.
Why do we still need Google Classroom accounts?
Homework and spellings will be on GC, and perhaps other activities that the year group set.
Also, if your child has to self-isolate, and is well enough to do school work, then work will be set on GC.
Note that Year R pupils will only be using Tapestry. Year 1 pupils will have a mix of both GC and Tapestry.
Covid-19 Symptoms? For a child? Someone in the household? Need to quarantine?
Find out what to do here – a quick and easy guide.
Is your child going to be absent because of illness?
Please phone the school on 01256 346 111 by 9am, leaving a message on the answer machine.
If it’s because of having COVID-19 symptoms, please also contact the school as soon as possible, and we will call back. Alternatively email us. DO NOT COME INTO SCHOOL!
Car Park
The car park can not, and must not, be used for dropping off/picking up children, except for breakfast club. There simply isn’t space, and it’s not safe. Thank you.
Have your circumstances changed?
Have you been out of work, or currently unemployed? Are you receiving benefits?
Your child could be entitled to Free School Meals, as well as the school receiving additional funding of around £1300 per year.
Please complete this form so that we can check for you; we’ll do the rest of the work for you and let you know of the outcome.
School Meals
School meals start again on 7th September. This is Week 3 of the menu.
Meals are free for those in Years R, 1 and 2, and those who receive FSM; meals cost £2.40/day for others. Children order their meal on the day. Parents pay online.
All meals will be eaten in the classrooms.
Online Payments only – no cash!
When we return in September we will be cashless and no longer able to accept cash and cheque payments. In order to pay for school lunches, breakfast club etc you will need to use Tucasi, our online payment system, by registering with a pupil link code specific to your child. We will be sending emails with further details and the link codes to all those that aren’t currently registered on 3rd and 4th September.
Fruit and Veg starts again – KS1
We are pleased to confirm that the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme will recommence and will be available as of 9th September. This means that fruit/vegetables will be available daily for all children in KS1 as of this date (please still provide a named snack on the first 2 days of term).
Unfortunately the scheme isn’t available for children in KS2 but you are welcome to send in a fruit or vegetable snack in a named bag/box for children to have at breaktime. Remember, all breaktime snacks should be healthy fruit or veg.
SCL After School Club – 3:20pm – 6pm
Book here!
Mr Carter and Mrs Hygate
Thank you for your kind words and donations following the passing of Mr Carter and Mrs Hygate. If you missed this sad news, or would like to give a donation, please see here.
We have almost completed a remembrance area for Mr Carter, and are working on one for Mrs Hygate. We will be involving the children in this too.
From Hampshire School Crossing Patrol Team
We are pleased to confirm the School Crossing Patrol (SCP) on Woodbury Rd / Lapin Lane will be resuming work on 7th September 2020.
We’re having to make a range of adjustments to teaching and learning. One of these is the depth to which teachers mark the children’s work. Don’t worry – we have a plan to ensure that children continue to receive excellent teaching and learning; in fact, it will be more effective than before.
Need to request an absence?
We’ve moved our absence request form online. This is for absence requests such as holidays, weddings, funeral, special events, and more. You don’t need to use this form for sickness or self-isolation (but please email/phone the office if they are unwell). Remember, absences are only authorised in exceptional circumstances, but you still need to request it.
DfE Youtube Playlist – Returning to School
DfE Help – What parents need to know
Click here to read “What parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges in the autumn term“
There is also a brief leaflet here.
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.