Newsletter – Final days, Farewell Year 6, and September plans – 13th July 2020

Message from Mr Applegate
It’s our final full week, and there are still events to look forward to, including:
- Google Meets for new classes! See the timetable below
- Monday 13th July – collect your belongings from school. See timetable below.
- Wednesday 15th July – Our final goodbye worship for Year 6 children. On Youtube. Link available on website on Tuesday.
- Feel Good Friday – 17th July – Transition activities in the new -2020 classroom.
- Year 6 have various fun activities this week, too!
SEPTEMBER: We’re putting in place plans for September – do take time to read the section below, with important implications and updates for you.
REPORTS: We trust you have enjoyed reading the reports and finding out your child’s new class. It’s a very different type of report to normal. We haven’t written about where your child is at in terms of end of year expectations (e.g. on-track, above etc). This is because it is really difficult to know accurately and with any meaning. We’ll be working hard to fill in gaps from September.
LAST DAY: For Years R-5, school finishes on Wednesday 22nd July at 12pm-12:30pm. This will be for all children, including key-worker children. There will not be an after school club on this day. Any Year 6 children will finish on Friday 17th July at 12pm-12:30pm due to secondary transition the following week.
Finally, thank you for your kind words and generosity – whatever the size – as you say thank you to the staff in different ways. We really appreciate it.
Have a good week, Mr Applegate
A farewell note to our Year 6 pupils
It’s been a funny year to say the least. You’ve missed out on so many exciting events that all Year 6 children look forward to, and we are all very sad about this. It’s hard for you to end your time with us having not had an official graduation or leaving party, too. We all wish it could have been different.
However, remember that you have been a real credit to our school, and to yourselves, over the past 7 years. You have made us laugh and brought much joy to St Mark’s. Your attitude towards learning has been so good.
We are so proud of who you have become, and want you to take all that you’ve learned into your next phase of life at secondary school. Continue to remember your manners, to work hard, to make good impressions, to be kind, to look out for those in need, to bring a smile and a listening ear, and of course to “grow and learn together in God’s love.”
We will miss you hugely! We will be in touch with details of a graduation/leaving party when it is safe to do so. You’ll be so grown up then, towering over us, but remember: we’ll always be your primary school, and you’ll always be our Year 6 who made us proud throughout your time with us – especially during Covid-19.
We hope you enjoy the events this week, the hoodie, the year book, the DVD, and the final worship together.
Mr Applegate & the all the staff at St Mark’s
What’s September going to look like because of Covid-19? A few insights…
We’ll be putting these guidelines in place for September. Please remember that there may be additional changes as new guidelines are released or clarified by the DfE.
- We’ll be open to all children. Yay! (Children must come to school unless there are exceptional reasons not to).
- We’ll operate as class bubbles – ie we will avoid one class mixing with another. This includes at break and lunch.
- Your child won’t need a back pack or bag – please don’t send them in with one. We’ll give them a small and durable book bag. Bags require cleaning, take up valuable space, and are a hazard.
- Children will wear normal school uniform, except on their PE days when they wear PE kit to school.
- Children will have their own pencil case, which we will provide. Again, please don’t send one in.
- All they need to bring in is their lunch (unless school dinners), drink, simple book bag (which we are giving them) and coat.
- We’ll be cashless and paperless. Please make sure you can use SCOPay/Tucasi (the online payment system).
- We are minimising the movement of staff around the school.
- PE kit will be worn to school on days that the children have PE. This way we don’t have to change at school – another hazard. We’ll let you know the days for PE.
- Books can be brought home from school, although a quarantine process will be in place.
- For lunch, we’ll offer two hot options each day. Lunches will be eaten in the classrooms.
- Frequent washing of hands will continue.
- We’ll be socially distancing as much as possible, although at times it is very tricky.
- Parents need to contact the school using phone and email, and not come into the school unless in emergencies.
- Homework and spellings will be on Google Classrooms.
School Map/Entry for September
Just to give you a heads up of what we are having to put in place for September. We can have our usual arrangements for coming on site, and so will be operating a staggered drop-off and collection time, and a careful not-quite-one-way-but-almost system. Click for a larger map!
Where possible, please can one adult drop off a child to reduce numbers on site.
The car park will not be available for parents unless in exceptional circumstances. Please don’t be offended if your request is turned down.
What about Covid-19 symptoms? What happens?
These symptoms remain the same (a new continuous cough; a high temperature; a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell).
Key points:
- Have a back-up plan in place if your child has to be collected immediately, or if the class, year or school has to close.
- If you child displays any of the symptoms, they must not be in school, and must have a test done (details here).
- Parents showing symptoms MUST NOT be on the school site and their children should be self-isolating for 14 days.
- Any person developing symptoms during the school day MUST go home as quickly as possible.
- The person (child or adult) with symptoms MUST stay at home for 7 days and arrange to have a test. Their household MUST stay at home for 14 days.
- Parents or staff must tell the school what the result of the test is.
- Anyone developing symptoms (and their household) should follow the ‘Stay at home’ advice.
- All parents will be informed if there has been a positive case in school. Public Health England will also be informed.
- If someone tests positive, the health protection team will carry out a rapid risk assessment to confirm who has been in close contact with the person during the period they were infectious, and ensure they are asked to self-isolate for 14 days. Close contact means:
a) Direct close contacts – face to face contact with an infected individual for any length of time, within 1m, including being coughed on, a face to face conversation, or unprotected physical contact (skin to skin).
b) Proximity contacts – extended contacts (within 1-2m for more than 15 minutes with an infected individual.
c) Travelling in a small vehicle, like a car, with an infected person. - If someone tests positive, the health team may recommend that a larger number of other pupils or staff self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure – this may be the whole school or a year group.
Breakfast Club and After School Club?
We are still working on the details for this for September – it’s very complicated because of the mixing of bubbles! We’ll let you know more when we do.
Breakfast Club may require pre-booking, and places may be limited. A heads up! We’re still working on the details.
Saying Thank you
Many parents have asked how they can say thanks to their teachers and staff at St Mark’s, at the end of the school year. We don’t expect anything! Unfortunately we’re not taking physical gifts because of Covid-19. If you’d like to give something, please give a donation to our new staff room kitchen fund, which includes the need for kitchen items. All staff would benefit. We’re grateful for any gift, small or big. Click here to give a gift. If you’d like to email a message of thanks, instead of a card, please do email the year group emails. This means a lot! Thank you.
Got items at school to collect? Or library books to drop off?
If you have a PE kit to collect or any library books to return, could you please come to school on Monday 13th July at the following times, depending on your child’s surname:
- A-F 3.20pm
- G-M 3.40pm
- N-Z 4pm
Please enter via the KS1 gate and wait outside your child’s classroom. Please exit via the KS2 gate, due to the one way system currently in place.
Google Meets – With New Classes
Links will be posted in the -2020 classroom near the start time.
Sports Day Success!
What a fantastic Virtual Sports Day we had on Friday. It was so lovely to see so many of the children participate and adapt to this different way of competing for their colour team. We were all so impressed with how many took part, and how many managed to beat the teachers. It was lovely to see some of the photos of you having a go at the different activities and challenging yourself to do something new and different. Well done to you all! Results are announced next week!
Feel Good Friday – 17th July – In the new -2020 Google Classrooms
Year 6 events this week – links will be emailed!
- Year 6 Talent Show Monday 4pm
- 6S Class Quiz Wednesday 4pm
- 6P Class Quiz Wednesday 4pm
- 6C Class Quiz Wednesday 4pm
- Year 6 Goodbye Friday 2pm
News from last week (repeated!)
Key dates and events over the coming weeks
- Google Meets with new class teacher – 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th July, between 3-5pm. Exact times will be emailed out on 10th July, and sessions will be around 30 minutes.
- Friday 17th July – Feel Good Friday will focus on transition activities, which will be set by the new teacher.
- Mon 20th – Weds 22nd July – we’ll be setting Google Classroom activities as normal for Years R-5, but they will have a fun twist!
Need Summer Holiday Club Care?
Whilst we are fully closed over the summer, there are two local options:
- SCL Club Energy, at Hatch Warren Community Centre. Click here to find out more and to book.
- Magma Holiday Camp run at Hatch Warren Infant School. Click here for more info.
INSET Days 2020-2021
- Thur 3rd Sept 2020
- Fri 4th Sept 2020 (School starts Monday 7th Sept)
- Mon 4th Jan 2021
- Thur 1st April 2021
- Mon 7th June 2021
Previous Whole School Worships on Youtube
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can Sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.