Newsletter – 26th June – Heroes, Gifts, Books, Summer, and more!

Message from Mr Applegate
What a hot week! I hope you’ve had a good one and enjoyed the sunshine.
The children at home and school have really enjoyed our ‘Splash of Colour’ today, and we’re busy collecting their work to create a display. Thank you for supporting the activities.
Thank you also for your continuing messages of support. The staff are working flat-out, and your support means so much. We know that there are so many of our community working incredibly hard, some as key workers, providing vital services, and we are so grateful for all that you do.
As this covid-19 season goes on, we are so aware of the challenges at home and school; whilst we can’t solve all problems, please do speak to us if you think we could help.
Have a good weekend, Mr Applegate
- Could you be a St Mark’s Hero, and help our children catch up?!
- Staff gifts – no need, but if would like to…
- Whole School and Community Worship – Weds 1st July at 9am. Link to be posted here soon.
- Library Books – please return asap to baskets at front of school.
- No spaces available still. Only enquire if absolutely necessary.
- We’re looking for a volunteer army of heroes – St Mark’s Heroes – to help our children catch up from much missed learning. If you are able to give an hour, a few hours, or a couple mornings or afternoons for the Autumn Term to support our children’s learning, that would be amazing. More details below!
- We’ve had several questions from parents about how they could give an end-of-year gift to the adults in their child’s class, given the various restrictions in place. Nothing is ever expected, but the staff are always grateful for your kindness and generosity. We’ve discussed this as a staff, and given the circumstances, we would rather not have gifts brought into school for various reasons: some staff are not in school, anything would need to be quarantined and cleaned, and the weather may melt things! If you would like to give money towards items for the staff room and a much-needed new staff-room kitchen, that would be great. We’ll give more details next week. However, there is no pressure. Email or digital thank-yous are very much appreciated!
- Our weekly worship will again be on YouTube, featuring children from across the school. Weds 1st July, 9am. Link to be posted here soon.
- Please return any library books that belong to school. Boxes will be put out the front of school each day until 17th July, weather permitting. Just drop them off, and we will put them in quarantine. Thanks!
- We still have no spaces available. If it’s an emergency and you’re a key worker, do contact us if absolutely necessary.
Feel Good Friday – A Splash of Colour
We hope you enjoyed our special activities for today’s FGF. We think the children have enjoyed them. See their efforts here!
Feel Good Friday – Sensational Senses – 3rd July
Year 6 Windmill Hill
Current Year 5 children are due to go to Windmill Hill in November. We are in regular contact with PGL, who do a formal review every 3 weeks. As things stand, the trip will still be going on. We have only had to pay deposits for the trip. Our advice for you is to continue making payments via SCOPay, as you are able. We hold that money, and won’t be paying PGL until we are certain as can be that the trip is going ahead. In the worst case scenario that the trip doesn’t go ahead, we will find an alternative.
St Mark’s Heroes – Can you make the difference?
Our children need your help! They would massively benefit from an hour, an afternoon, or whatever you can give to help them during school hours. From September 2020, we’re launching St Mark’s Heroes, a volunteer scheme to gather as much support as possible to help our children catch up from missed learning during Covid. It could involve reading with a child, supporting a small group, or generally helping in class. It’s also great experience if you’re looking to get more involved in schools. There would be a simple application form to complete, a chat with Mr Applegate, and a free DBS check to complete. Click here to register your interest, and to find out more. Thank you for thinking about this – and for thinking of the difference you could make!
Dates for the coming weeks
July 10th – End of Year Reports emailed out, including new class teachers for Sept 2020.
July 14th, 15th, 16th – Google Meets for new classes, between 3-5pm.
July 17th – Last day for Year 6 children due to transition
July 22nd – Last day of school for all children
Summer School?
We won’t be running over the summer, as there is no directive from the government to do so. We are working closely with SCL to secure a summer holiday club (at parental cost). More details to be announced soon.
Foodbank help
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can Sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.