Newsletter – Friday 18th June – Feel Good Friday and other news!

- Feel Good Fridays start on the 27th June, with ‘A Splash of Colour’.
- Whole School and Community Worship – Wednesday 24th June, 9am. Click here to join in!
- September classes & end of year reports – coming out 10th July.
- September classes – meet you new classes on Google Meet!
- Google Meets on the very last week – slight change.
- Don’t forget our casual Google Meet Drop-in sessions. See here for more info.
To add a little spice to life and have an exciting end of the week, we’re introducing Feel Good Fridays. Starting 26th June, each Friday will have a theme. Activities will still appear on G/C, but they will be focused around the theme. We hope it helps have something different to look forward to. There will be a choice of activities which can be done independently, with siblings, or as a family. Children at school will also be joining in. Our first theme is called ‘A Splash of Colour’. More details below!
- We have an average of 300 views for our Whole School and Community Worships so far. What a great way to come together. Our next one, focusing on courage, is on Wednesday 24th June, 9am. Click here to join in!
- Thank you for completing your child’s friendship lists. It’s a massive task in deciding classes for September, so bear with us. Remember that we know your children well, and want the best for them. On 10th July, we’ll send out the end of year report and let you know of your child’s new class. It will be sent out electronically.
- On the 13th, 14th, or 15th July, your child will have the chance to take part in a Google Meet with their new teacher and class. It will be after school hours (between 3 and 5pm), and we’ll do our best to ensure siblings are at different times and day. We’ll be in touch about which day/time this will be.
- We finish school formally on Weds 22nd July. The Friday Google Meet for that week obviously can’t happen, so we will move it to Tuesday 21st July. Same times! Therefore, the Google Meets on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st July will be a ‘final goodbye class Google Meet’. Don’t miss it!
- We are now running 2 additional drop-in sessions on Google Meet. These are to support with learning if you need a bit of help. Find the times and details here.
Feel Good Fridays – A Splash of Colour – 26th June
Our first theme – a splash of colour – helps us enjoy and celebrate all things colourful! Look out for the activities posted on Google Classroom. Don’t forget to send us any pictures of what you do!
Here is our list of activities for Feel Good Friday’s ‘Splash of Colour’:
- Our collaborative art task- A self portrait and our hopes- Each child should draw, colour, paint or otherwise create a self-portrait. Each group will be assigned a colour to draw/paint/collage their self portrait in. These will be compiled and shared digitally for each class on Google Classroom and then printed and displayed as a rainbow wall in school for our September return. The year group colours for this activity are: Pink – Yr 5, Red – Yr R, Orange – Yr 6, Yellow – Yr 2, Green – Yr 3, Blue – Yr 1, Purple – Yr 4
The other tasks to pick from – so far! – are:
- The Colour Monster – art task
- I Am Poem/Art
- Rainbow Skittles Experiment
- Rainbow Art
- Let’s Move- Colour Song
- Colour by number maths
- Rainbow Mindfulness
- Well-being Rainbow
More details will be in the Google Classroom Post at the end of the week.
Year 6 – We’ve not forgotten you!
For our Year 6 children, it is an especially tricky time. Normally at this point they would be thinking about the Year 6 play, transition to secondary school, the graduation and party, signing shirts and more. Whilst we can’t do all of these things now, we have a lot planned for you! Look out for an email from the Year 6 team coming out Monday with more details – and please complete the online form ASASP!! Look out – you’re going to love it! We’re also liaising with secondary schools about their transition plans, and will be in touch about those too.
School Dinner Menu from 22nd June
Getting a with-held number on your mobile?
If you find you are getting calls from a with-held number during the school day, it could be a teacher contacting you. When phoning from a personal mobile, they with-hold their number, but would like to talk. Thanks!
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can Sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.
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