Newsletter – Friday 11th June – Class lists, new drop-in sessions, and more

Message from Mr Applegate
- Years R-5 – Complete your child’s class friendship list here by Friday 19th June.
- New mid-week drop-in sessions available on Google Meet.
- Whole School Worship – 9:05am on Wednesday (note slightly earlier time). Click here to watch!
- No more spaces available, apart from key-worker children :(
- Laptops – thank you, and a few more available.
- For children in Years R-5: Although we don’t know what September will look like exactly, we do know that the children will need to be in classes. Every year around this time, we ask the children to give the names of three other children they would like to be with in the new school year. We try to guarantee at least one, and it usually works out to include two or three. It’s a tricky process to manage, and we do our best. For more information, please complete this form by Friday 19th June.
- To further support home learning, teachers are running drop-in sessions twice weekly, in addition to the weekly class google meet. See below for the timetable.
- Thank you for your support of our new weekly whole school and whole community worship, watched on Youtube. Mrs Ford and Mrs Alsey will be leading our next one on Wednesday 17th June at 9:05am. Our theme will be ‘hope’. Click here to watch!
- We are now completely full for in-school places, apart from a few reserved spaces for key workers. Many key workers are now finding out that they need to return to work soon. If you are a key worker and have not yet been in touch about needing a space, please do contact us. We’re sorry for not being able to take more Year 1 or Year 6 places. We would have loved to, and want to, however we just don’t have the capacity.
- We’ve had an amazing response for donated laptops, and still have a few available if needed. Please do contact the office if in need. A HUGE thank you to the parents who have donated laptops, as well as Hub Community Church for their donation.
Google Meet Drop-in sessions 
Starting from 15th June, teachers will be running drop-in sessions on Google Meet. It’s a chance to ask question and get support on any of the home learning activities. The links will be posted in Google Classroom before the sessions. These are in addition to the weekly Class Meet already running. We apologise if they clash with sibling sessions, but unfortunately this was too difficult to avoid.
Note that for Year R children at home, we will provide information directly to you through Tapestry.

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