Newsletter – May Half-term

Message from Mr Applegate
I hope you are enjoying the sunny weather. I dread to think what lockdown would be like without it!
I know that you are waiting for further information to come out with regards to a possible return in June. A few updates:
- Planning for a return is extremely difficult, and every waking moment is spent trying to decipher if it is safe to do so, and how risks can be reduced. We go into the minutiae of detail, but risk can never be removed entirely.
- Guidance is being released all the time. Only on Sunday (yes, on Sunday!) did the government release new guidance on how to keep Year R children and staff safe. 5 days later than planned.
- There is still much debate about what the science says, and whether it is biased towards government directives.
- The government have promised a confirmation on Thursday about a return to school, although every indication from Sunday’s statement is that this will be going ahead – albeit only with what schools can safely offer.
- Children will remain in bubbles with two adults and at most 10 children, all day long. They will either be in a classroom or outside, but not anywhere else.
- Staggered starts will be from 8:30am-9am and collection from 2pm-2:30pm. Fridays will finish at 12-12:30pm. Staggering times will be based on surname of the child.
- If a child or adult displays symptoms, then the entire class bubble will be asked to remain at home until a test is carried out. If the result is negative, then the class can return. If it is positive, then a 2 week isolation period will be enforced for all adults and children.
- Breakfast and after school club will only be available for a limited number of key workers, and the children will remain in that bubble (not with their year group).
- We will be asking for final confirmation of your intentions in the letters that go out this week. Ultimately our provision is based on the numbers we are catering for, and there is a priority order.
- As before, we really are looking to have a reduced intake, if we open, because this is the safest way we can operate for those who really need to be in.
Thank you for your understanding. Have a restful week!
Mr Applegate
Have a spare laptop? Or does your company have some spare?
We’re aware that a number of families don’t have access to a laptop or computer – particularly necessary for Google Classroom. Can we as a community help them?
If you have any old or unneeded laptops, please do let us know. We will wipe or replace the hard drive and put all new software on it. The laptop just needs to work – we’ll do the rest.
Alternatively, could your company help us? I’m sure there are a number of laptops just being stored in cupboards! We can support with an official letter if required.
Either way, just let us know by completing this school here. Let us know if you want them back or not, too. Thank you so much.
Need a laptop?
As laptops come in, we will allocate them out according to need. If you think your child would benefit from a laptop, please complete this form. No promises, but we’ll do our best.
Do you need help?
If you have a need for food or other essential items, please email us – we’ll do our best to help.
If you’re financial situation has changed, your child may now be entitled to free school meals. Again, please let us know if you would like us to check. It’s free and easy to do so.
This week’s riddles
Q: What has one head, one foot and four legs?
A: A Bed
Q: How many letters are in The Alphabet?
A: There are 11 letters in The Alphabet
Q: David’s father had three sons: Snap, Crackle, and ?
A: David!
Q: What goes up, but never comes down?
A: Your age!
Q: How many months have 28 days?
A: All of them!
Have a good joke or riddle? Email them in and we may use them in our next newsletter!
Email and Contact Details
If you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can Sign up here!
Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.
Return To School
Chantal at CHAMPS Academy is offering a free ‘Return to School’ online one to one coaching session for children who are returning to school after lockdown. Children will learn a simple way to instantly manage emotions and a helpful routine to follow to prepare for their return to school.
To book your child’s free session, please contact Chantal directly by texting ‘Return to School’ and your name to 07716 204203.
Go Fund Me – FOSM Top Up Fundraiser
CostsAs we can’t run any FOSM events at school, the FOSM team are running a GoFundMe donation page. If you are able to donate, then please click on the FOSM logo. Thank you :)
Our target is £3,500 – we’re getting there.
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