Thank you!
Thank you so much to all the parents who attended our Windmill Hill Chat on Tuesday evening and our Year 6 Curriculum morning on Thursday. We hope you found both of these informative. The PowerPoints for each presentation have been uploaded onto our website in case you missed either of them, but please feel free to pop in and ask us any questions about the year ahead should you require.
Bush Tucker Trial
The children have certainly got their teeth stuck into our first topic, Rumble in the Jungle, starting with an Amazon Rainforest inspired ‘Bush Tucker Trial’! They were offered jungle delicacies including Parrot Intenstines (strawberry laces), Frogs’ Eyes (peeled grapes and raisins) and Sloth Droppings (prunes and chocolate covered raisins)!

Lots of eager children keen to try the ‘Parrot Intestines’!

‘Worms in Mud’, anyone?!

The ‘Monkey Vomit’ clearly went down a treat!

Brandon’s face lit up at the sight of ‘Frogs’ eyes’!

The ‘Wild Fungus’ was all a bit too much for Sophie!

Smiles all round for ‘Forest Floor’!
After this, the children created their own descriptive Amazon restaurant menus, featuring some of these delicious sounding meals along with their own unique creations! Why not come along to our Amazon project outcome on Tuesday 22nd October, where you may be tempted to try some of these delicacies for yourself!

Amazing Artists!
Wow – we have been truly amazed by the incredible artwork the children have already produced since starting Year 6. We have used Georgia O’Keefe’s style to inspire our own ‘close ups’ of Amazon flora and fauna. Can you guess which creatures are lurking in the rainforest?

A Few Reminders
- Windmill Hill consent forms need to be returned by Tuesday 8th October. Please inform us of ANY medical/sleep issues, even if you think it’s not worth mentioning, so we can all have a really successful and positive week.
- CGP SATs Revision Books payments are due by Monday 4th November. These are a fantastic way to prepare your children for their end of KS2 SATs.
- Social Media use amongst the children has already been brought to our attention. Are you aware of what apps your child is using and what messages are being sent? Most of these apps have a minimum age restriction of 13, if not older.
Year 6 Team