14 February 2025 – Half-term Newsletter
Don’t forget….
- What a week! Guitar performances, Year 5/6 Netball match, Year 3/4 Football match, Year R visited the farm, Year 1 held a toy museum, Year 5 Mad Hair Day for various charities, 6 Hour Screen-Free Challenge …. #ProudOfOurPupils #AgentsOfChange
- Well done to Freddy in Year 1 who suggested the money raised at the Toy Museum went to buy toys for children in Basingstoke, via the Spotlight Centre 🥰
- Check our updated Spring 2 PE days and Forest School days below.
- Have a great half-term break. We look forward to seeing you on 24th Feb for the second half of the school year.
Mr Applegate :)
This Week's Homework & Learning
Guitar and Ukulele Concert
The parents, siblings and friends of Mr Maycock’s pupils were treated to a wonderful performance this week. You all played brilliantly! Well done to everyone and thank you Mr Maycock. Here’s a snippet of what we heard.
What do you think of our newsletters?
When are Parents’ Evenings?
SCL Tuesday Pick-Up Arrangements
Please can you help?
The Year R Team are developing their outdoor provision. We are looking for some items which you may have at home and be able to donate to us. The following items are what we are hoping for:
If you can help, please contact the year R team at yearr@stmarksce.org.uk
Thank you so much.
Supporting Parents
The School Nurse Team are offering a clinic on Tuesday 4th March to be held at St Mark’s to support parenting challenges, eating, sleeping and toileting issues.
An email will follow next week with more information and details of how to book a slot.
⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐
Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.
Our current attendance percentage is 96%.
Weekly Attendance by Class
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
In worship this week…
Music of the Week
Swan Lake: Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky was a Russian composer of the Romantic period. Lots of his music has been used in ballets.