10 January 2025 – Newsletter – Reports, Census Lunch on Thursday and more
Welcome back!
Despite the cold, I trust you’ve had a good start to 2025! It’s been so good to be back together this week. The children have started so well.
For those in Years 1-6, look out for a brief End Of Term Autumn learning report, going home today via email (as Year R works on an EYFS curriclum, we don’t send home interim reports).
It’s a shorter newslettter this week. Have a great weekend!
Mr Applegate :)
Pastoral Parent Session – Autism
Census Day – KS1 – Please have a school meal!
Thursday 16th Jan – if your KS1 child has a school meal (it’s free!), it can really boost our funding for next year. No need to pre-order. Just say yes on the day! Adapted menu is:

Can I remind everyone to be careful when parking and also walking before and after school. We nearly had a serious incident today, due to unsafe driving, parking and walking. I really hope I don’t have to write to parents about a serious incident where a child was hospitalised, or worse.
Let’s also ensure we respect the residents of the area, and obey the rules of the road. Thank you.
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
⭐ Star Readers ⭐
⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐
Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.
Our current attendance percentage is 96%.
Weekly Attendance by Class
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
In worship this week…
Music of the Week
Adagio for strings: Samuel Barber
Samuel Barber was an American composer who lived from 1910 – 1981. Adagio for Strings was written in 1936 and is Barber’s most well-known composition.