Welcome to Year 3

We have had a great start to Year 3 and the children have settled quickly into their new classrooms. On our first day, we started the day with a letter from Mr Calver. During the holidays he discovered a possible site that would be of interest to archaeologists, so asked if we could help him and become archaeologists. We started by learning all about our new role and then headed to the site to complete our dig. We had to be very careful as the artefacts we found looked extremely old. Once we were back in the classroom, we examined what we had found and then waited eagerly for the results from the lab at the official Forensic Archaeological Society – Mr Calver had sent some samples off during the holidays!
After lunch, we received a thank you letter and they confirmed the artefacts we found were very old, and were from the year 5000BCE. We then completed an activity to make a timeline (using a toilet roll!) to help us understand just how long ago the Stone Age was. Our project is called ‘Dig and Discover’ and will be History led. We have also attached our topic web for you to see what your child will be learning this half term.

Awesome Artefacts

We were lucky to have a History box delivered filled with amazing artefacts to explore. The children got to handle these, find out facts and ask questions. 

Year 3 – Dig and Discover Curriculum Information


Amazing Artwork!

Later in the week, the children began to observe artwork from the Stone Age period. They identified that natural materials were used as media. Following this, they sourced their own chalk and mud from the school grounds and made a paint like consistency with water to create imagery similar to that shown in Stone Age caves. 

Dates for your diary…

  • Every Tuesday and Thursday – PE
  • Monday 7th October – Stonehenge Consent and Medical Form due
  • Wednesday 16th October – Parents evening
  • Wednesday 23rd October – Parents evening
  • Friday 25th October – Stonehenge Trip
  • HALF TERM – Monday 28th– Friday 1st November
  • Tuesday 31st October – Payment for Stonehenge trip due
  • Monday 9th December – Trip to St Mark’s Church in Kempshott
  • Monday 16th December – 2pm Carol Concert Years 3/4
  • Tuesday 17th December – 6.30pm Carol Concert Years 3/4
  • Wednesday 18th December – 10am Carol Concert Years 3/4