6 September 2024 – Newsletter including FOSM AGM, Information sessions, free money for the school, and elections!


  • It’s been a GREAT start to the week! So lovely to be back together as a school community.
  • Please come and join the FOSM (PTA) AGM on Monday evening, 9th Sept. 7:45pm at school. Find out what FOSM do, and how you can help!
  • We look forward to seeing you next week or the week after at our Key Information Sessions: Year R – Weds 11th Sept – 6pm online, Year 1 – Weds 18th Sept – 5:45pm main hall, Year 2 – Thurs 19th Sept – 5pm main hall, Year 3 – Weds 18th Sept – 5pm main hall, Year 4 – Tues 17th Sept – 5pm main hall, Year 5 – Tues 17th Sept – 5:45pm main hall, Year 6 – Thurs 19th Sept – 5:45pm main hall
  • If you haven’t done the permissions form for all of your children, click here.
  • Please take a moment to browse through the sections below – we produce a newsletter every week with a similar format, so you know where to find details. We are also putting homework details on the “Next Week’s Learning” document to make it easier to understand. Appreciate any feedback!
  • We can’t wait for our new Year R’s to start on Monday :)
  • Know a relative who might be intersted in doing some light gardening each week on a voluntary basis? Let us know!

Have a great weekend, Charles.

Easy money for the school, even if you don’t shop at ASDA

Asda donate a £1 just for signing up. They also give 0.5% cashback on spends, too.

Just install the ASDA Rewards AppAndroid linkiPhone link and select our school!


blankSt Mark’s Elections!

Children in Years 1-6 can apply for a range of responsibilities in school, and we have an election day on Friday 27th September. Children need to apply (online) by 23rd September – a really easy application form. Perhaps you could help your child with it?! Full details are here.

Thank you and Farewell to Mrs Sullivan

I’d like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Sullivan, one of our office team members, who is finishing at St Mark’s next Friday. Mrs Sullivan has worked hard in the office team, and we wish her all the best in the future.

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In worship this week… 


Music of the Week

Morning Mood by Edvard Grieg


Grieg was a Norwegian composer in the Romantic period of music.


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