What a Brilliant Week!

Year 6 have had a brilliant last full week of school and have proved how exceptional they are as a year group. Their show, ‘Madagascar’ was a tremendous example of their talent and team work. Emotions were high at their leavers service as we celebrated their wonderful time at St Mark’s – many a tear was shed as we reflected on the memories the children have made at school and the impact they have had as amazing individuals and agents of change. It has been a week of love and hard work from everybody and, as their teachers, we could not be more proud of them.

The week ended with great excitement and energy at their beach party. A huge thank you goes to our incredible parent community who made this happen – it was a tremendous amount of work and planning for them to give our children the very best evening and the most fun send off ever! The children had a whale of a time and went home very hot and sweaty with massive smiles on their faces. Hopefully, they managed to have a lovely lie-in on Saturday morning.

Thank you Year 6 for what has been the most brilliant end to your Year 6 journey and thank you to every single adult who has helped these children to become the wonderful young people they are.

If weather is kind to us on Monday, we will hold a water fight for the children which they have requested (numerous times). They will need a complete change of clothes (including underwear) and a towel to take part as well as a water gun or container to throw water (a plastic cup works well) at each other. No water balloons will be allowed.

If you have requested a Year Book, please remember to pay on your SCO pay account this weekend if you haven’t already done so.

Well done Year 6 and we have only two days left to enjoy before you fly the nest and leave primary school. You still have a few more precious memories to make and we can’t wait to see you on Monday.

The Year 6 Team.