Year R Summer Term learning: What an adventure….continued!

What a fantastic day Sports Day was! We were all so proud of the Year R children for their team work, perseverance and resilience on their very first Sports Day. It was wonderful to end the term on such a high. Thank you for coming along to support your child and their colour teams, the atmosphere was amazing!

We are continuing on our hot air balloon adventure this term. We are currently in Tanzania in the Serengeti National Park and we are going to remain here and travel further into Kenya for one more week, learning more about life in Africa and the similarities and differences between Africa and the UK.

We are looking forward to continuing on our journey around the world over the coming weeks and also look forward to other special events along the way; a mock wedding when we are learning about ‘Special Clothes’ in RE, our Celebration Day and a buddy picnic to finish off the term. Dates for the wedding and buddy picnic will be confirmed nearer the time.

You can find out more about our topic and other learning for this half term in our newsletter here.

We are excited to have our Forest School sessions this term too! Please refer to the email sent on 7th May for the schedule of dates for each class, and information about what the children need to wear.

If you haven’t already done so, please complete the permission form for Celebration Day and pay your £10 contribution via SCOPAY by Friday 14th June.  The office will be sending out an email and form soon about packed lunches for this day. You will have the option of sending one from home, or ordering one from Pabulum our catering company.

During this term we will also be preparing the children for the changes which will come in September when they move up to Year 1. Please be assured that we will approach this very carefully and ensure that all the children are prepared as best as we can. We will be arranging story swaps with the Year 1 staff soon, and they will visit the classrooms for some of these too. We will let you know via the Walk and Talk board when these have happened so you can follow it up at home that day.

The Year R team