Year 4 – What a busy spring term!
We have had an extremely busy spring term. All the way back in the spring term the children started learning about the Vikings where we started by making our very viking boats. The children were very surprised as they did not have horned helmets! We ended the unit making a leaflet about ‘The Truth about The Vikings.’
Retrival time
Ask your children the following questions to see what they can remember?
1. Where did the Vikings Orginally come from?
2. What do you call a Viking boat?
3. Why did the Vikings invade Lindisfarne?
4. After the struggle, the Vikings were given land. What was it called?
We were then lucky to use all this knowledge at the start of Spring 2, when we had a hugely successful residential to Ufton Court!

The children were amazing in our Easter Production of ‘The Best is Yet to Come.’ We very very proud of all the children.
The actors and actresses learnt their words so well, a special mention to the children who had to learn more words just 10 minutes before our final show, no-one would of know! The dancers who created our crucifixion dance and especially our backstage, lighting and sound technicians. Every child in Year 4 played an important role!

Our Spring 2 topic was all about Simba’s UK Road Trip. Our kahoot tested our previous geography knowledge and then introduced our new unit.
During this unit we have learnt about population distribution in the UK, the mountains in the UK, rivers in Uk and the counties in the UK. We have enjoyed using digi maps to search for the answers to questions that have been posed and finding out more about Simba’s Road Trip.
Retrival time
Use these questions to test your child’s knowledge:
1. What UK major cities can you remember?
2. Which areas have high population?
3. Which areas have low population?
4. Where does a river flow the fastest?
5. Which bodies of water surround the UK?

We have ended our unit, with some fabulous art work. In art, we have been working on printing. The children had to choose a UK landmark and then make a tile for printing. They then completed the background print and repeated this on their paper, we had to wait a day for this to dry before we could build upon our printing. The next step was to cut out sections of our blocks and re print a different colour on top.
Look at our amazing work!!
Can you guess the locations that Simba visited in our art work?
We hope you and your children have a lovely Easter break, it is well deserved after such a busy term!
Happy Easter!
Year 4 Team