Year 4 – Raging Rivers Hook

The children have settled back into this half term beautifully and enjoyed our hook lesson on M0nday where we set them the challenge of making a river in a tray to start off our new Raging Rivers project.

The children made the riverbed shape out of foil, then went outside to see what we could find to make the landscape around the river. They then added water to our river and watched it flow down the riverbed.


Our first geography lesson then focussed on ‘What are the features and processes of a river?’ We started by identifying the features including, river, mountains, mountain tops and land around the river. 

After this we learnt that a river is divided into three main sections, the upper course, middle course and lower course. Can your child tell you which sections these are and what happens at each section. 

We went on to learn about river meanders. During this lesson the children learnt that:
– All rivers have a source, mouth, upper course, middle course, lower course.
– All rivers have erosion and transportation.
– All rivers have meanders.
– The size of river features can be different.

What can you child tell you about their learning so far? 


Upcoming dates for Year 4: 

Forest School:

  • Book Fair – Thursday 9th November 
  • Carol Service – 11th December 2pm / 12th December 6.30pm / 13th December 10am 
  • Christmas Lunch – 14th December 


Our knowledge organiser and topic web can be found here: 

Year 4 Raging Rivers Curriculum Information

Year 4 Raging Rivers Geography Knowledge Organiser