Year 4 – Forest School Information
Today, the teachers and assistants had our training, ready for next half term’s forest school! We are very excited and hope the children will be too! Here is all the information that you need (it was also sent as an email earlier today):

Dear Parents/Carers,
We are very excited to start our Forest Schools Education this year. We have an amazing school woodland area which is the ideal location for us to go out and explore, have fun and learn lots!
Forest School is an inspirational concept providing learning opportunities through practical activities in an outdoor environment. Children enjoy the freedom to explore and experience the natural world in all seasons and in all weathers. Forest School embraces an approach of nurturing, supporting and developing the selfesteem of its participants. It is an ideal environment in which to develop innovation, problem solving, risk taking, creativity and teamwork. We have now embedded this into our St Mark’s curriculum and will be for all children across the school, one year group at a time.
Our Forest School sessions will be led by Mr Calver who has a Forest School Leader qualification. The children will be accompanied by the adults from their year group as well. The safety and welfare of the pupils
participating in Forest School is paramount. All tasks are age-appropriate and risk assessments have been carried out for all activities prior to taking place.
Your child’s Forest School sessions will take place on:

The correct clothing is essential for Forest School sessions. Your child will need to come into school wearing their Forest School clothing on their Forest School day (see above). If the correct kit is not worn then your child might not be able to take part in that session. The Forest School clothing must include:
• Long trousers and long-sleeved top which ideally isn’t school uniform (even if the weather is warm)
• Trainers that are suitable for being in the woods. Wellies would also work!
• Jumper or Sweatshirt (if it’s cold)
• Waterproof coat and trousers if you have them (if it is raining)
If it looks like rain, please can the children also bring a spare set of clothes (including pants and socks) and small towel in their school bag as Forest School sessions continue in the rain.
If you have any questions about Forest School, including if you need any support with the clothing requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope your child gets excited about this exciting opportunity.
Kind Regards
Mrs Woods, Miss Burgess and Mr Calver