School Starts Monday 4th Sept 2023!
Additional Info from 31st August
- When does PE begin? PE starts the first week back, although not on the Monday 4th. Years 1, 3 and 4. as your PE day is Monday, you can choose to wear school uniform or PE kit on the first day. For Year R, teachers will tell you when PE starts at the home visit sessions.
- When do private music lessons begin? Tuesday onwards. If you are signed-up for lessons, you’ll receive an email tomorrow with specific details.
- When do clubs start? KS1 and KS2 choirs start week beginning Monday 11th September. Planet Education clubs start week beginning Monday 25th September (further email to follow). All other clubs start week beginning Monday 18th September.
- What about contacting teachers? Each year group has an email address to contact teachers at, in the format of . A gentle reminder this is not checked during the day, won’t always get an immediate response on the same day, and definitely not at weekends! For anything general or urgent, please use the email address.
- Are you closing because of the government’s notice about “reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC)”. No, we’re not affected and will be open as usual.
Thank you.
Welcome back!
We trust you’ve had a good summer break and are ready for your child to return to school! A couple updates/reminders for you:
- School starts Monday 4th September – 8:30-8:48am (gates close at 8:48am).
- Action required – Have you complete the permissions form for this year? If not, please fill it in here. We need 100% return. One per child. We have 230 outstanding responses.
- Have your contact details changed? New mobile number? Change in family circumstances? New allergies or medical information? Please let us know via the school office email here.
- “Key Information Sessions” – for each year group are the school hall apart from Year R which is online. See the school calendar below.
- Breakfast Club – just show up – details here. A reminder of the change of times and costs.
- PE days can be found later in this newsletter.
- Subscribe to our online calendar to keep up-to-date on your mobile. Click on either Chrome/ Android or Apple depending on your phone/computer.
- School lunches – Week 2 – details here.
- Join our FOSM AGM on Tuesday September 12, 7:45pm, main hall.
- Have your financial circumstances changed? You could be elligible for school support. Check here.
Have a great rest of the week, and see you on Monday morning. Best wishes, Charles Applegate, Head Teacher.
Other bits and pieces
- Thank you for completing our parent survey in July. The results of the survey are here.
- Have you got any old welly boots we can use for forest school? Just bring them in to school. Thanks.
- Thank you to those who have helped us over the summer with our outdoor work!
- Our Agent of Change programme carries on – if you’d like to nominate someone, please email the school office here.
- St Mark’s are leading the Reading Challenge at the Basingstoke Discovery Centre. WELL DONE!!!
Farm Update
Many thanks to everyone who signed up for a farm booking over the summer. All of the slots were filled and the animals are all doing well. And it was Simba’s 3rd brithday over the summer :)
Lion Painting
Many thanks to Steven Pugh (Grandfather of William) for his efforts in repainting our school lion by KS1 gate. Incredible!
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
We celebrate our Star Learners every week. We’ll post them here on Fridays.
⭐ Attendance Updates ⭐
Our target over the year is 97%. Last year’s attendance was 95.8% – above national levels, but we’d like it to be much higher.
Got something to share? Let us know!
- Try the password to see this post!
- 7th March 2025 – FOSM Easter Egg Hunt tickets, World Book Day and more
- 28 February 2025 Newsletter – Sad news of Graham Robins, as well as World Book Day and FOSM Easter Egg Hunt
- Year R Spring term learning: Spring to Life!
- 14 February 2025 – Half-term Newsletter
- 7 February 2025 – Newsletter including 6 Hour Screen-Free Challenge on Monday