21st July 2023 End of Year Newsletter
A fab final week!
- Tuesday’s art gallery – wasn’t the children’s art work amazing? Thank you to everyone who was able to attend, and to Miss Burgess for organising.
- It was a pleasure to celebrate our Year 6 children at their ‘Leaver’s Service’ yesterday. We will miss you all but know you are ready for the next step in your adventure. It was a great to see their talent at the Year 6 Talent Show, too!
- Our Year 3 pupils sounded fab at their Listen2Me music performance.
A few much-needed thank yous!
- All of our support staff – you are so key to our success, and your efforts and passion don’t go unnoticed.
- Dave & our FOSM team – words can’t express our thanks for all that you give to our school. You have helped shaped the future of St Mark’s.
- Our volunteer readers, including our SchoolReaders. Thank you for giving your time to give the precious gift of reading.
- Our governors – thank you for giving your time freely to support and challenge our school. Your dedication and care for the school is much appreciated.
- All of our members of staff – A heartfelt thank you for all that you give at St Mark’s. Just an incredible team.
- All of our parents – thank you for your support of St Mark’s, and in working together to help your children flourish.
- Mrs Ford, Mrs Rosso and Mrs Carter- it’s a pleasure to lead our school together with you.
Change of dates!
Amongst our report emails this week, we sent out this letter about staffing and changes for dates. Unfortunately we needed to change the dates of the Key Information Sessions to:
- Thursday 14th September: 5pm – Year R. Online.
- Tuesday 19th September: 5pm – Year 4 5:45pm – Year 5
- Wednesday 20th September: 5pm – Year 3 5.45pm – Year 1
- Thursday 21st September: 5pm – Year 2 5.45pm – Year 6
We need help in covering our summer Farm slots!
- Don’t forget you can book summer slots to look after our animals. We’ve got the summer to fill :) Click here!
- Can you be on a backup list for farm bookings in case of emergency? Just email the office to let us know. Thank you!
Got any spare wellies?
We are collecting wellies for children across to school to use in our outdoor provision. If you’ve got any spare, please pass them to the office. Thanks!
In case you missed it last week….
Our breakfast club is changing as of September 1st 2023. Please click here for full details.
Have your financial circumstances changed? Your child might be elligible for various benefits at school. Click here to find out more.
A reminder that Year 2 pupils no longer receive Universal Free School Meals when they move into Year 3. Those eligible for Free School meals continue to do so. The government provides free school meals to all children in year r, year 1 and year 2 irrespective of circumstances. For those in years 3,4,5 and 6, free schools meals are only given to those who qualify according to means testing by using this form.
Do you use SCL? Good news! SCL have reinstated especially for us the ‘bolt-on’ option, meaning children can attend a school-run after school club and afterwards go to SCL after school club at a reduced rate. Thanks SCL!
A message from Lollipop Jane
- Check roads before crossing them
- Don’t use mobile phones while crossing roads
- Wear your cycle helmets (with the chin strap fastened) on bikes.
School Dates, Lunches, and Clubs
A plea from some of our Year 3 children!
Music of the Week!
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen performed by Sheku Kanneh-Mason
Sheku Kanneh-Mason MBE (born 4 April 1999) is a British cellist who won the 2016 BBC Young Musician award. He was the first Black musician to win the competition since its launch in 1978.
- Try the password to see this post!
- 7th March 2025 – FOSM Easter Egg Hunt tickets, World Book Day and more
- 28 February 2025 Newsletter – Sad news of Graham Robins, as well as World Book Day and FOSM Easter Egg Hunt
- Year R Spring term learning: Spring to Life!
- 14 February 2025 – Half-term Newsletter
- 7 February 2025 – Newsletter including 6 Hour Screen-Free Challenge on Monday
Photo credits:
Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash