Year R topic this half term: Spring to Life!

The children so enjoyed our topic last term ‘People Who Help Us.’ We were very fortunate to be visited by the police service, the fire service, a dental nurse and of course Simba and the guinea pigs! These visits really did ignite the children’s interest and promote so much discussion, role play and learning. We are grateful to those who gave their time to come and tell us about their important roles. We hope that your child enjoyed telling you about these special visits!

One of the other highlights of the term was celebrating Chinese New Year; making Chinese music, dancing like a Chinese dragon and making money envelopes, lanterns and Chinese dragons. 

This half term our topic is ‘Spring to life!’ Please click here to read this term’s newsletter which briefly outlines the topic and explains a little about what we will be focussing on across the curriculum. 

As always, you can find more information about what we have been learning each day on Tapestry in our ‘Walk and Talk’ post. 

The Year R Team