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FOSM & Infrequent Volunteers – Safeguarding

Welcome to St Mark’s!

Thank you for helping our school as a volunteer on an ad-hoc basis! It’s vital you understand how to keep yourself and our children safe.

Follow the steps below and complete the Google Form at the end as confirmation that you’ve done it.

Charles Applegate, Head Teacher

Induction Steps

  1. Read these key points:
    • Please sign-in when you come into school.
    • If the fire alarm ever goes off, make your way to the playgound at the back of the school.
    • If you see or hear anything that may be a concern, you must tell a member of staff quickly. Examples include: a child telling you that they are being hurt; a child or adult acting inappropriately, or; a child hurting another child.
    • Remember, even as a volunteer, you are acting in the capacity of a member of staff. You need to remain professional and behave how a member of staff would.  You’ll need to agree to our code of conduct – this is how you will behave when at school or around children.
    • Don’t put yourself in a vulnerable place with a child (for example, in a cupboard or toilet). You should not be alone with a child. 
    • Please dress appropriately! If you can see up it, down it, or through it, it’s probably not acceptable!
  2. For safeguarding reasons, we may need to complete a DBS for you. We’ll take details in the form in Step 3.
  3. Please complete this form to acknowledge that you aren’t disqualified working with children.
  4. Read KCSIE, and our child protection and safeguarding policies HERE (If you struggle with reading, you may wish to watch the safeguarding videos below.)
  5. Finally, complete this form after reading/completing the steps above.

Who is who for safeguarding?

Simple safeguarding videos that you may find helpful