Raging Rivers in Year 4
Year 4 have had a great half term so far learning all about rivers. We kick-started our topic making rivers in a tray. The children were set the challenge of making a river out of foil which could hold water and show meanders. We had to use natural resources to make it as realistic as possible.
We then spent some time thinking about the features of a river and using clues to work out the different parts. Ask us to tell you what makes up a river. The children have become geographers and used map work skills to locate waterfalls around the world as well as learning about coordinates.
In science, the children have been busy learning about 'States of Matter' and conducting experiments with solids, liquids and gases. The favourite one so far was all about melting where the children had to time which solids would melt the quickest – melted chocolate smelt very yummy! Next week, we are learning about condensation and the water cycle!
We are so proud of all the children for working so hard in every subject. They take pride in all their work and are just amazing. Over the next few weeks, we are going to be very busy learning carols for the Christmas Carol concerts. It is hard to believe that the Autumn term is nearly over!