Year 5 – Autumn 1 Learning Update

What an incredible half term the Year 5 children have had! We are so very proud of how well the children have settled into their new classes and also how motivated they have been about their learning – Space has proven to be a very popular subject this year! Below is a little snippet of just some of the amazing work that the children have completed over the last seven weeks. 


The children have written fantastic stories based on the video ‘One Small Step’ and some really informative non-chronological reports based on the animals found upon the fictional planet of Pandora!



The children have shown so much creativity in Art as they have experimented with so many different painting skills – painting on different surfaces, using different paint types, exploring with their paint mixing and also layering up different painting techniques. Look at how amazing their final pieces turned out!


Design and Technology

We know that our D&T day was a favourite for many of our Year 5 students. They showed so much creativity in creating pop-up books for younger children. They used a range of mechanisms including pivots and sliders to make the books really interactive. The day was a huge success!


Super Science – Learning through experiments, reading and a school trip!

The children have shown the most amazing thirst for knowledge through their Science learning this half term and have loved learning about Space. They have completed some awesome experiments in class, read about inspirational (and less well known) scientists and had an awesome trip to the Winchester Science Centre too. On the school trip, the children took part in a Space themed workshop, explored the Space exhibition, explored the whole floor of other science experiments and also watched a show all about our solar system in the planetarium. What a way to finish the half term! 

We hope the children have enjoyed their learning as much as we have enjoyed teaching them. We also wish you a restful half term and look forward to welcoming the children back into school for our next topic – Globetrotting around North America!

The Year 5 Team