8th July Newsletter – FOSM Total and other exciting news!
This week’s top news & reminders
- Hot weather! Please remember sun hats, drinks and sun cream during warm weather
- Year 4 parents: a reminder here for the residential next week
- Year 6 Matilda performances 12th/13th – polite note: please queue OUTSIDE the main school office, using the ramp and avoid blocking doorways – thank you. Enjoy the shows!
- Year 6 parents: a reminder to order and pay for your yearbook by 12th July please. Form to complete is here: year 6 yearbook and scopay
- School bags are back on order, with a new website and easier process. See here for details!
FOSM Summer Fun Day Total and Thank Yous!
A note from Mr Applegate
Can I ask you to come to our AGM, where we will be looking at at electing a new team for FOSM? Nominations are already being accepted for Chair, treasurer and secretary. Please submit names to the Chair (chair.fosm@stmarksce.org.uk) by start of the meeting where a vote will be held to select the new representatives. Anyone attending the meeting can also put themselves forward for any of the roles. FOSM is a friendly team who are passionate about helping the children and community of St Mark’s. So save the date – Monday 12th September (evening). Thanks!
Hatch Warren Jubilee Competition Winners
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Jubilee Competition where the teachers submitted 3 art entries from each class that were completed on our celebration day.
The winners work will be displayed the Cafe in the Park.
Overall Winner
Emily – 2R
Runners up
Meredith 3T, Ryan 6S, Ewan 3T, Felicity 5F, Neve 5F, Ruth Parrots, Erza Puffins, Freddie 4PG
Well done Year 5!
Year 5 have spent the last four weeks going swimming at QMC. The children have behaved incredibly well and we are so proud of all of them for their resilience, determination and improvements in their swimming! The QMC staff chose 2 Swimming Stars from each class and these children received a special award on Wednesday.
A special congratulations goes to Leighton and Scarlett from 5SP, Edward and Alby from 5P and Dylan and Tanisha from 5F!
Beautiful Year 2 paintings
School Events, Lunches, and Clubs
Upcoming events and trips
- Summer Art Exhibition – Thursday 14th July, 3.20pm – 5.00pm.
Year R:
Wedding day! Special clothes please on Fri 15th July (no PE)
Year 1:
- Nothing extra!
Year 2:
Year 2 Choir performance to parents: 18th July @4pm-4.20pm small hall
Year 3:
- Year 3 Music Concert: 13th July
Year 4:
- New Barn Field Centre Residential: 11th-13th July
Year 5:
- Ufton Court Trip: 14th July
Year 6:
- Matilda Performances (not for parents): 11th July
- Matilda Performances (ticketed event for parents): 12th July & 13th July
- Leavers Disco: Friday 15th July @ 7-9pm
- Leavers’ service: 20th July @ 9:15am (no ticket required)
Status: set menu until end of term
We have a change to our school menu until the end of term due to unforeseen circumstances:
Moving to KS2 in September?
A reminder for Year 2 parents… at present, your child can have meals for free because the government pays for them (Universal Infant Free School Meals). This however stops when they begin Year 3. Meals then cost £2.60- and will be under our amazing new catering service provided by Pabulum!
Status: most clubs have now finished for this year. Those still running are listed below
This is just for information only. Clubs have already been allocated for Summer Term 2.
Applications for September 2022/3 clubs will be released soon.
Year 2 Choir: 11th & 18th July plus performance for parents on 18th July
PE days
Year R – no PE this week (15th)
Year 1 – Mondays
Year 2 – Wednesdays
Year 3 – Thursdays
Year 4 – no PE due to residential (13th)
Year 5 – no PE this half-term now
Year 6 – Fridays
Academic year dates
Inset Days – Thursday 1st September, Friday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd January 2023, Friday 31st March 2023, Monday 5th June 2023
Term dates for 2022-2023 – Click here for more info
The topic this week is….
Guest Blog: How The Family Video Game Database Helped Me Parent My Gaming Kids
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
Star Learner Awards:
- Year R: Rex, Dominic, Orla
- Year 1: Kyla, Oliver G
- Year 2: Elodie, Jack, Sophie
- Year 3: All of year 3 this week!
- Year 4: Ashley, Isla, Theo A and Elliott
- Year 5: Harry S, Kalel, Jaiden
- Year 6:
Rock Stars
- Year 3: Annabelle, Nicholas, Sophia L
- Year 4: Leo H, Olivia G, Harry C
- Year 5: Oliver W, AJ, Marcus W
- Year 6: Poppy L, Amelia G
Most active class in each year group:
- Year 3: 3C
- Year 4: 4H
- Year 5: 5P & 5SP
- Year 6: 6C & 6S
- Year 1: Amaira, Prannav, Evan
- Year 2: Mason, Ruby L., Bailey
Star Reader Awards:
- Year 1: Rudi, Alisha
- Year 2: Lucia,Camila, Sophie L
- Year 3:
- Year 4: Issac, Marianna, Theodore
- Year 5: Tom C, Ronnie, Trinity
- Year 6:
Update on our Fundraising!
A massive thank you for growing £420 into £7,428.67 through our grow a 70p campaign! We’re still counting the extras handed in this week. Thank you for your generosity at all of our events and activities!
Year 1 Arts and Crafts Club
In art and craft club we made animal pencil pot holders! The children loved it!
Music of the week!
Vivaldi was an Italian baroque composer. The Four Seasons Suite is one of his most recognisable pieces of work that give character to the 4 seasons of the year.
Foundation Governor Required!
We have a brilliant governing body, and have a vacancy for a foundation governor. Why not join us?
A foundation governor is appointed to the governing body to support the religious character of the school. In church schools, governors are guardians of the vision and Christian ethos, keeping it alive and ensuring that it is implemented.
Being a governor also involves meeting with other governors (12 meetings across the year), meeting with staff a few times across the year, and visiting the school to help us show we are doing all that we need to be doing!
If you are interested in finding out more, please email the office here. Or why not suggest this to someone you think might be interested?!
If you’ve got some communicty news you’d like to share, let us know.
The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.
Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879
Join our Facebook group here.
- 7 February 2025 – Newsletter including 6 Hour Screen-Free Challenge on Monday
- 31 January 2025 – Newsletter – FOSM Disco Tickets, Children’s Mental Health Week and more
- 24 January 2025 – Newsletter
- 17 January 2025 – Newsletter – Agents of Change, Reminders and more
- A great start to 2025 in Year 2!
- 10 January 2025 – Newsletter – Reports, Census Lunch on Thursday and more