Welcome back to Summer 2!
What a fun first week back we have had! The children had such a wonderful time on Sports Day and were super role models for KS1. Thank you for joining us and making the day so special.
We also had a fun week learning about 'Good News' through our RE unit based around Christianity and the Gospel. This was last half term's unit, but with the shorter half term in summer 1, and the Queen's Jubilee celebrations, we felt that it fitted better into this half term. The children have been so thoughtful and have had wealth of ideas to share. We are incredibly proud of them all.
You may also hear the children talking about leading a whole school worship. Our Year 2 children, will be sharing their learning about Tanzania and the charity: The Mud House Children's Foundation, with the wider school community next week. They are very excited to do this and have loved learning about the Maasai tribes with the help of the charity project director: Nicky Jarman. You will be able to meet her and other members of the team on a stall at the Summer Fun Day. We will also be asking children from Year 2 to come and help run the stall at the Fun Day where we will begin to raise money for the charity. This will be optional but we are sure many children will be excited to get involved. We will send out details later this week.
We begin our learning for this half term tomorrow, with our learning based around our exciting science and history topics and linked with the theme: Oh, the places you'll go! If you would like to find out more about what we will be learning, then please see our attached knowledge organiser and topic web.
We would like to remind you that we have our school trip on Friday 24th June. A letter and reminders have been sent via email. Thank you to all of those of you who have responded and sent reply slips and contributions. If you have not yet done this, then please could you complete this early this week to give us time to make our preparations. If you have any difficulties or concerns, then please contact your class teacher or the office and we'll be happy to help. Any parents who had volunteered to help before half term, have been spoken to by their class teacher and those needed should have, or be in the process of obtaining DBS checks. When your DBS arrives in, please bring it to show the school office team. We will send a reminder of what is needed for the trip later this week. We are sure it will be an enjoyable trip for them all-especially as it will be their first proper trip!
We can hardly believe how little time the children have left in Year 2 but they are really demonstrating how ready they are to take on their next exciting challenge of moving into Year 3 and KS2. Some parents have asked about this but we won't begin to properly talk to the children about this until later this half term. If you have any concerns about this or anything else, then please don't hesitate to speak to us or contact us via email: Year2@stmarksce.org.uk
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 2 team