10th June Newsletter – 70p deadline extended, Sports Day, Jubilee Drawings and more!
A note from Mr Applegate
- Grow a 70p – deadline extended to Friday 17th June! Details below. INCREDIBLE RESPONSE!
- Sports day – fab! Lovely weather, great competition, super atmosphere, and adults – amazing cheering and dancing :)
- Disco – thank you for your support, and FOSM committee and volunteers for organising and running it. The children had a great time.
- Match funding – there has to be a company amongst our community who would match fund our Summer Fun Day total. Do you work for any of these companies or these? It would instantly double what we raise!
- FOSM Tea Towels – raised an incredible £1246.35 for the school. Wow!
- Another week to be proud of St Mark’s! Thank you for your ongoing support in so many way.
As a parent said to me, “The world is beginning to feel normal again.” Quite something considering the past 3 years we’ve had.
Grow-a-70p – still time to grow!
We’ve extended the deadline to return the 70p plus whatever has been grown! New deadline – Friday 17th June.
The ideas have been amazing, as have the amounts! Special mention to Max and Milo in Year 1 (£720 for this), Zach 3T and Harry Puffins who raised £255 for a virtual duck race, and Ben in 3T who raised £89.70! Whatever the amount raised, we so grateful. Hopefully it’s brought lots of enjoyment for your family, too.
You can either return the cash or if you would prefer with a cheque, please make this payable to ‘Hampshire County Council’. In a named enveople please! If you have not been able to raise any funds, then that is no problem but you must return the original 70p that was sent home. If you’ve given money through another way (e.g. FOSM), please email the office to let them know too so we can add to the total.
Well done to Annabelle in 4T for raising £80.70 by selling ice creams at the jubilee celebrations!
Sports Day
Well done everyone for a fantastic Sports Day! It was great to see smiles on everyone’s faces, and to be able to enjoy the event together after not being able to do it for 3 years. And well done Light Green Team KS1 and Yellow Team KS2 for coming 1st place!
Jubilee artwork
On our Jubilee day all the classes helped to create key events of the Queen’s reign. We also completed some super work and have entered some for a competition at Hatch Warren Community Centre. Please enjoy a few photos:
We’re improving our outside areas!
How can you help?
- Match funding – we really need a company to help double our FOSM fundraising! Please email us if you can help!
- Help on our summer fun day – Sat 2nd July. Choose from these options: (a) 9am-12pm set up (b) 12pm-3pm for the event (c) 3pm until breakdown of event has finished (d) 9am-3pm set up and event (e) 12pm-3pm event and breakdown (f) The full event! Email us here to let us know what you can do.
FOSM Events
Dates for your diary
School Trips
- Year 6 Windmill Hill residential: 13th – 17th June
- Year R Bucklebury Farm Park: 23rd June
- Year 2 Hillier Gardens: 24th June
- Year 5 Taster Day at Brighton Hill School: 7th July
- Year 3 Seacity Trip: 8th July
- Year 4 New Barn Field Centre Residential: 11th-13th July
- Year 5 Ufton Court: 14th July
NSPCC Assemblies
- Week of the 27th June, with workshops for Years 5 &6 on 27th, 28th June
FOSM Summer Fun Day – Sat 2nd July
Inset Days – Thursday 1st September, Friday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd January 2023, Friday 31st March 2023, Monday 5th June 2023
Foundation Governor Required!
We have a brilliant governing body, and have a vacancy for a foundation governor. Why not join us?
A foundation governor is appointed to the governing body to support the religious character of the school. In church schools, governors are guardians of the vision and Christian ethos, keeping it alive and ensuring that it is implemented.
Being a governor also involves meeting with other governors (12 meetings across the year), meeting with staff a few times across the year, and visiting the school to help us show we are doing all that we need to be doing!
If you are interested in finding out more, please email the office here. Or why not suggest this to someone you think might be interested?!
Music of the week!
Vannesa-Mae is a Singaporean-born British violinist. Her music style is self-described as “violin techno-acoustic fusion”, as several of her albums prominently feature the techno style with the classical style.
If you’ve got some communicty news you’d like to share, let us know.
The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.
Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879
Join our Facebook group here.
- Try the password to see this post!
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