20th May Newsletter – Jubilee Next Week (inc 70p!), Sports Day coming up, and more
A note from Mr Applegate
Sports Day – Friday 10th June: full details are here! If you’ve not done the sports day lunch form, please do so here.
- “Grow 70p for the Jubilee!” – The children will have taken home 70p today, to grow into more money for our outside area fundraising campaign! If you missed it, click here.
- We need a few more parent supporters for our outside areas workshop. Details below, or sign up here.
- Thank you for supporting our School Dinners on Thursday. It made a huge difference!
- A reminder about uniform – it needs to look sharp and be in line with our guidelines. PE kit is only for days when there is PE!
- We’re looking for a new foundation governor. If you are interested, see below for more information.
This Friday!
We’re improving our outside areas!
How can you help?
- Match funding – we really need a company to help double our FOSM fundraising! Please email us if you can help!
- Attend our workshops – Our outside areas are tired, and we’d like your input into what it could look like. We’ve invited an expert to work with us to design a plan! We really need 10 parents/carers to join us for 2 easy and fun workshops where you can suggest ideas and be part of our transformation. Tues 7th June @ 2pm for an hour, and Mon 20th June @ 2pm (both please!). Sign up here!
Help on our summer fun day – Sat 2nd July. Choose from these options: (a) 9am-12pm set up (b) 12pm-3pm for the event (c) 3pm until breakdown of event has finished (d) 9am-3pm set up and event (e) 12pm-3pm event and breakdown (f) The full event! Email us here to let us know what you can do.
- Attend our FOSM events – see below!
FOSM Events
Grow 70p for the Jubilee
We shared this slide in worship today – click here for the full letter.
Happy news
We are pleased to share the news that:
- Mrs Silvester (from 6S) has had a baby girl!
- Miss Goddard (from 4PG) has had a baby boy!
Both mums and babies are doing well
Congratulations to both families!
U12s Ice Hockey team award
Congratulations to Alfie (5SP) and his team (the U12s Ice Hockey team for Basingstoke) as last week they entered a huge league competition! They made the final and came second, winning silver.
They are officially now the second best team in England! Alfie scored the equalising goal in the semis to get them into the final and has a trophy for winning spirit of the game. We are so proud of him!
Dates for your diary
picnic lunch for both KS1 and KS2 at 12:00pm, KS1 – 1.00pm start)
Walk To School Week – Monday 16th May to Friday 20th May
School Trips
- Year 5 Carnival Day (in school): 26th May
- Year 6 Windmill Hill residential: 13th – 17th June
- Year R Bucklebury Farm Park: 23rd June
- Year 2 Hillier Gardens: 24th June
- Year 5 Taster Day at Brighton Hill School: 7th July
- Year 3 Seacity Trip: 8th July (letter to come soon)
- Year 4 New Barn Field Centre Residential: 11th-13th July
- Year 5 Ufton Court: 14th July
NSPCC Assemblies
- 6th June 2022 with workshops for years 5 &6 on 27th, 28th June
FOSMSchool Disco – 10th June; Summer Fun Day – Sat 2nd July
Inset Days – Monday 6th June 2022, Thursday 1st September, Friday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd January 2023, Friday 31st March 2023, Monday 5th June 2023
New Catering Company from September
We’re pleased to announce that as from September, Pabulum will be providing our school meals. We’d like to thank the staff of HC3S for their efforts over the years, particularly during the pandemic. However, we feel it is time for a change, and after a rigourous tendering process, Pabulum have been chosen. We’re excited about the change, and know our children will love the food and the new dining experience. More details to follow, including a form for children with food allergies.
Foundation Governor Required!
We have a brilliant governing body, and have a vacancy for a foundation governor. Why not join us?
A foundation governor is appointed to the governing body to support the religious character of the school. In church schools, governors are guardians of the vision and Christian ethos, keeping it alive and ensuring that it is implemented.
Being a governor also involves meeting with other governors (12 meetings across the year), meeting with staff a few times across the year, and visiting the school to help us show we are doing all that we need to be doing!
If you are interested in finding out more, please email the office here. Or why not suggest this to someone you think might be interested?!
Visit from County and Borough Councillors
On Thursday we had a visit from Cllr Stephen Reid and Cllr Dan Putty, who are interested in improving road safety in our community.
Year 2 paint the Serengeti National Park
⭐ Star Learners ⭐
Star Learner Awards:
- Year R: Lilly G, Cleo, Jude
- Year 1: Louie, Zach A, Alfie P
- Year 2: Daisy Bro, Mia G, Henry
- Year 3: Oscar, Ewan, Luke
- Year 4: Elouise, Eleanor, Rhoda
- Year 5: Elsie A, Matthew L, Ellie B
- Year 6: Bella H, Evie B, Darcy
- Bridge:
Rock Stars
- Year 3: Ava P, Benjamin T, Hayley
- Year 4: Elodie, Olivia N, Lucas S, Harry B
- Year 5: Irebami, Matthew, Eddie
- Year 6: Samuel, Toby, Phoebe
Most active class in each year group:
- Year 3: 3C
- Year 4: 4H
- Year 5: 5SP
- Year 6: 6C
- Year 1: Alfie J, Reeva G, Max M
- Year 2: Ruby L, Ava M, Bailey H
Star Reader Awards:
- Year 1: Harvey Yousha, Theo
- Year 2: Kelan, Tilly, Sarah
- Year 3: Thea, Brogan, Ivy-Rose
- Year 4: Rebecca, Chloe M, Laila
- Year 5: Edward, Marissa, Oliver B
- Year 6: Charlie D, Emily, Travis W
Music of the week!
One of Handel’s best-known works, Zadok the Priest has been sung prior to the anointing of the sovereign at the coronation of every British monarch since its composition. It would have been played at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.
Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879
Join our Facebook group here.
- Try the password to see this post!
- 7th March 2025 – FOSM Easter Egg Hunt tickets, World Book Day and more
- 28 February 2025 Newsletter – Sad news of Graham Robins, as well as World Book Day and FOSM Easter Egg Hunt
- Year R Spring term learning: Spring to Life!
- 14 February 2025 – Half-term Newsletter
- 7 February 2025 – Newsletter including 6 Hour Screen-Free Challenge on Monday