Welcome back! Year 2- Our Amazing World
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter Break. The children have all settled back really well and are working hard. We are very proud of them all.
This half term, our learning is based around ‘Our Amazing World’. In Geography we will be learning about a non-European country and in Science we will be thinking about plants and how they grow. We will be linking our learning in lots of creative ways and look forward to sharing our work with you and our school community. If you want to find out more about our topics, then please look at our knowledge organiser and topic web below.
We will be growing beans but to save on unnecessary plastic, rather than buying cups, we are asking that you provide your child with a transparent plastic bottle (1 litre or 2 litre will work well). Please also cut the top off before sending it in. See attached example. Sometime next week will work well.
Please also remember that our PE days are on Wednesday for the remainder of the half term. Please ensure that children come into school in their PE kits on a Wednesday but also with a coat in case of rain.
Advance notice:
Many parents have asked about a trip and we are excited to let you know that Year 2 will be going on a trip to Hillier Gardens on Friday 24th June. A letter will be coming home next week. We will be asking for parent helpers but will require you to have a DBS. We are aware that the DBS are taking a little longer than normal to come back so if you would like to help, then please contact the office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via our year group email: year2@stmarksce.org.uk
We look forward to a fun half term!
The Year 2 Team