Easter Newsletter
Happy Easter!
It’s been quite a term, and I’m sure we’re all glad to have made it to the end! Covid absences have made it very challenging throughout. Amazingly, we had 0 school closures and 0 supply teachers – testament to the amazing flexibility of the staff, and the phononemal staffing organisation of Mrs Ford. We are indebited to you all.
Missed the recent COVID update changes? Click here. Summary: The government narrative and expectation has changed around Covid. You don’t need to test anymore, and you should only be off school if you are unwell. In addition, from after Easter, teachers will set default work on Google Classroom for 3 days maximum, made up of more generic but relevant learning activities for your child. The work may not match the exact content of what is being done in their class on that day though, and live teaching will cease. I know you join me in thanking the staff for the huge dedication they have shown throughout the pandemic, going above and beyond what was expected.
The children have been amazing as they’ve finished their tests and completed their project work. I really am proud of the attitude shown by the children, and of course the progress they are making.
On behalf of the staff and governors at St Mark’s, may I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a wonderful Easter break.
FOSM Easter Egg Hunt
On Saturday, our FOSM Easter Egg Hunt took place. It was a brilliant time. Thank you everyone for taking part, and of course the FOSM team for organising and staff for supporting. And thank you to the Parish of Basingstoke Down for providing amazing refreshments!

Highlights of the week!
- Our Year R and Year 6 children (buddies!) had a Easter party, including an Egg Hunt and hot cross buns. Just lovely :)
- On Monday, our Year 2 choir performed to parents and carers. It was absolutely delightful. Not a dry eye in the house.
- Our Year 4 children led us in our Easter worship on Monday, helping us to think about why Easter is special.
- Our Year 4 and Year 5 children have heard about their exciting residential trips coming up in June and July.
- Today we celebrated Mrs Silvester and Miss Goddard’s last day before their maternity starts.
- We also said goodbye to Mrs Alsey – see the fantastic book below given as a leaving present. The children all contributed, with Miss Burgess as the master designer. As a school, we were able to go out on the field and sing a few songs as a goodbye, too. It was lovely to all be together. Mrs Alsey has given each child an ice-pop, although they didn’t all freeze in time, so some will recieve it after Easter.
Farewell gift to Mrs Alsey made by the children of St Mark’s
Brighton Hill Roundabout Improvements – Footway Diversion and Bus Stop Suspension for 10 weeks from 6 April 2022
As part of the Brighton Hill Roundabout Improvement works, from 11th April 2002 pedestrians will need to follow a footway diversion near the Brighton Hill Retail Park, please see plan below or use the link to the traffic management plan A30 Brighton Hill Roundabout (office.com) .
For 10 weeks from 11th April 2022, the bus stop on the eastern side of the A30 Winchester Road at the Brighton Hill Retail Park will not be in use. Bus passengers are advised to use the bus stops at Cobbett Green or Sullivan Road Surgery.
A temporary bus stop will be in place on Pack Lane near Homebase for Brighton Hill Community School pupils travelling home to Oakley.
These temporary changes may affect the journey time to and from school for some of your pupils, families and staff so please could they be notified as soon as possible.
For any enquires regrading this diversion and bus stop suspension, please email major.schemes@hants.gov.uk .
For up to date information on the scheme please see the project website at A30 Brighton Hill Roundabout Improvements | Transport and roads | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)