A busy first week back in Year 2!
What a fun time we've had during our first week back of the second part of the spring term!
Our Hook Day
On Monday, to get started with our science topic, we did lots of exciting arts, craft and games activities linked with our learning about life cycles. You probably spotted our dragonfly life cycle hats which we loved making! See our attached knowledge organiser and topic web to find out more about what we will be learning this half term.
World Book Day
We all had such a wonderful time on Thursday's World Book Day: Book Swaps, Teatime Tales, Masked Readers, Book Doors, Mr Wonka's Factory visit and much more! Here are some pictures of the book doors that we made in Year 2!
Don't forget to spend your book day voucher on one of the many super £1 books: https://www.worldbookday.com/books/ (2B's will be sent home on Monday). We also launched a take home book bag/box full of exciting new books and a hot chocolate to drink. We are aiming for each child to take the book bag/box home at some point between now and the end of the summer term. When it comes to your child's turn, do spend some time enjoying the books together.
We also launched a Masked Reader Competition which closes on Wednesday 9th March at 9am. Entries can be given to the class teacher or submitted via the Google Classroom class page. See Google Classroom for more details.
Other reminders:
PE is on Friday and children should come in wearing their PE kits.
Our Library visit is on a Monday. Please ensure children bring in books to swap on a Monday as it is difficult to visit at other times.
Homework for year 2 is at least 20 minutes per week on numbots/ttrockstars, daily reading (at least 4 times per week) and spellings (see Google classroom). All children should be secure with their 2,5 and 10 times tables by the end of Year 2, so any additional practise in these area would be beneficial. Tt rockstars is great for developing speed of recall and is great fun too! Note: login details for this are the same as Numbots.
Telling the time: Towards the end of this half term, we will be learning to tell the time, initially to the nearest quarter hour and then to five minute intervals. As this is an area children can often struggle with, it would be helpful if you could spend some time regularly talking to your child about how to tell the time on an analogue clock (clock with a face), particularly talking about the position of the minute and hour hand. It is often much easier for children to develop their understanding of time when working 1:1, so we appreciate any support that you are able to give your child with this.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns, then please don't hesitate to contact us via email: year2@stmarksce.org.uk
or catch us at the classroom door.
We look forward to seeing you all at our parents evenings over the next few weeks.
The Year 2 Team.