21st January Newsletter

A note from Mr Applegate

  • COVID – we are seeing more positive cases from children who show symptoms like headaches, tummy aches, sore throats, Diarrhoeaa and vomiting, compared to the three main symptoms. Please can you err on the side of caution if your child is feeling unwell. Thank you.
  • Have a great weekend! Mr Applegate

What is your child learning this term?

Second Hand Uniform from FOSM

If you need to order any school uniform, please contact FOSM direct at: uniform.fosm@stmarksce.org.uk


Simba’s enjoying going to school each day. He’s been helping children with reading and looking at the great writing they are doing. He enjoys listening to children read to him and showing him their work – all the more when he gets a treat afterwards!

Dates for your diaries

Parents’ Eve (1/3) – Weds 16th March – 4-6:30pm
Parents’ Eve (2/3) – Weds 23rd March – 3:40-5:50pm
Parents’ Eve (3/3) – Weds 30th March – 4-6pm

Safer Internet Day 2022

… is coming! Feb 8th 2022, with a non-uniform day -wear something orange or blue if you can!

Vacancies at St Mark’s

We are looking for 2 friendly, reliable and enthusiastic people to join our amazing cleaning team.

Hours of work are 3.30pm to 6.30pm Monday to Friday with an hourly rate of £9.25 per hour.

If you would like to apply for the position please email the school office for an application form at adminoffice@st-markscofe.hants.sch.uk

An amazing drawing by Elliot in 2B!


Star Learners

Star Learner Awards:

  • Year R: Lily-Rose, Daniel, Alice
  • Year 1:  Thea, Elias, Yousha
  • Year 2:  Aria, Harrison, Kelan
  • Year 3:  Oliver H, Abigail, Thea
  • Year 4: Olivia N, Vinnie, Laila
  • Year 5: Ronnie, Jack, Isla
  • Year 6:  Joe W, Izzy D, Charlie L

Rock Stars 

Astounding effort this week:
  • Year 3: Jacob, Joshua, Keya, Nathan
  • Year 4: Harry B, Olivia N, Oscar, Elizabeth
  • Year 5: Riker, George, Elsie, Emily
  • Year 6:  Sophia M, Aidan, Freya, Jack B

Most active class in each year group:

  • Year 3: 3SB – Best class effort overall
  • Year 4: 4H
  • Year 5: 5SP
  • Year 6: 6C
Numbots best effort:
  • Year1: Sophia VR, Thea, Ella
  • Year 2:  Daisy Bre, Aria, Arianne

Star Reader Awards:

  • Year 1: Emily-Rose, Max M, Ayaan
  • Year 2:  Ellie, Tilly
  • Year 3: Izzy R, Elsa, Jacob
  • Year 4: Monica, Imogen, Ayden
  • Year 5: Jaiden, Rosie, Sophie B
  • Year 6: Stanley, Chelsea, Callen

Music of the week!

Gustav Holst was an English composer, born in 1874 and died in 1934. The Planets suite is his most famous work made up of 7 pieces of music that bring the characters of the planets to life. Jupiter is known as the bringer of jollity.

In worship this week…

FOSM – Support Our School!

About FOSM

The ‘Friends of St Mark’s’ (FOSM) was formed early in the life of the school. All parents are automatically members and our committee organises social events for children and adults and fund-raising events such as Key Stage discos, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fun days.

Over the last few years the ‘Friends’ have donated money that has contributed towards extra resources to benefit the children at St. Mark’s which has included playground equipment, books for the school library, and general school funds. We are now a registered charity, too. Charity number: 1188879

Join our Facebook group here.

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