Year 3 – Beneath the Shadows
How can we been at the final half term of Year 3? Last week we had a super week where we focused on the children’s well-being. We did this through two super books that the children loved! The first book was ‘The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Mackesy’ which we used to create some of our own sayings and art work. We also wrote recipes for mending a broken heart, using our recent instruction skills to complete the ingredients and the method required.
The other book we focused on last week was called ‘The Barnabus Project by The Fan Brothers’. This is a stunning book all about some animals that have found themselves in a secret lab deep under ground of a perfect pet shop. They are classed as failed as they are a mixture of two animals but Barnabus sees the perfect opportunity to escape. This is a super book that led to our wonderful creations of our own failed or unique animals. Hope you love our pictures.

Today, we completed an online escape room to discover what our new project is. The children had several clues to recover the code to escape the light house, where we had been trapped. The children worked in unison with a partner to solve the clues for our new project, Beneath the Shadows, this will be a science project. They have then brought home a copy of their knowledge organiser, with some of the facts we will be learning. Do share this together. Below is a copy of our knowledge organiser and topic web for you to see what we are learning this half term.
Beneath the Shadows Topic Web
knowledge organiser Science
Thank you for your on-going support,
Year 3 Team