Our Amazing World

What a fun week we’ve had in Year 2! We’ve begun learning about ‘Big Cats’ in our English work and are having lots of fun learning about Leopards, Cheetahs and Tigers! We can’t wait to write our own non-chronological reports to share with you. Please see our Knowledge Organiser and Topic Web below for more details of our new topic : Our Amazing World!

Knowledge Organiser Our Amazing World Summer 2

Our Amazing World Topic Web

The children have settled back into school really well and we can hardly believe that this is our last half term with them all. It’s been an unusual year but it does seem to be flying by. 

In Computing, we are going to be linking our learning about habitats with a very different type of habitat: Space and the International Space Station. We started to look at this during the week and next week we will begin using the new school Chromebooks to further explore this topic. To complete this, the children will need to be able to log into their Google Classroom accounts. Please can you make sure the children know their login details for Google Classroom (or write them on a piece of paper to go in their book bags). We will be using them on Tuesday next week and every Tuesday until the end of term. If you can’t remember them, then please see use the link on our Google Classroom login page to help you reset it https://www.stmarksprimary.net/gc/. There is a useful video here too.

Numbots: We have introduced a new challenge to Year 2 to go on Numbots for at least 20 minutes per week. If they do this, they will receive a special shiny Numbots sticker. We will also give out our usual certificates each week for when they complete each challenge and for special effort or achievement.  

TT Rockstars: This is a great way for your child to learn their times tables and we ask that they go onto TTRockstars for half an hour for their homework this week. You can access it via our website using the same login details and password that the children have for Numbots. 

Bug Club: Please can children aim to read at least one book per week on Bug club and to complete the related quiz. This is another useful tool to support children’s reading and understanding. 

Spelling Shed: Remember, we test the children on their spellings each week. These spellings should also be practised at home and are available via Google Classroom on your class page or on Spelling Shed. 

We have a fun few weeks coming up with lots going on. We look forward to sharing the children’s work and experiences with you. As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us using our email address: year2@st.marksce.org.uk

We hope you enjoy the good weather over the coming weekend. Please send your children in with sun cream, water bottles and sunhats next week as it looks like we will have a warm start to the week.

Kind Regards, 

The Year 2 Team