Great end to the term in Year 1!
What a great end to the term we’ve had in Year 1!
The children have enjoyed exploring the woods in and outside of school. They loved their walk into the woods, where we looked at the different colours, the variety of trees and even built houses for the mini-beasts. We also visited the meadow alongside school, where we explored the different flowers and enjoyed a story in the sunshine. Back in school, the children enjoyed learning about recount writing and wrote recounts of their visits.
In maths, we have been learning about numbers to 100 and thinking about how they are smaller or greater than each other. The children have been learning how to partition the numbers into tens and ones, e.g. 53 is represented by 5 tens and 3 ones. We have been practicing our counting everyday so that we can count in our ones up to 100 and then back again.
Thank you for helping your children with their reading challenge this term and the children are enjoying it so much that we are continuing it next term. Remember if you have any questions or concerns about anything, then please contact us on We hope you are all enjoying the sunshine during your half term and look forward to our next project, ‘Flower Power’ starting after half term.
Year 1 Team