Year 1 Go Into the Woods!
What a great start to the summer term!
The children have enjoyed starting our new project, ‘Into the Woods’ and have loved exploring some of the wooded areas on our school site. This week, we have learnt about the book ‘Leaf man’ and have enjoyed creating our own leaf person by using rubbings of local leaves.
We have also been exploring different ways of counting in our maths, where we have been practicing our counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10. Maybe you might like to see how well your child can count in these steps at home. We will continue to use these counting skills over the coming weeks, so continuing to practice these skills will be great.
Reading challenge in Year 1: This week, we are starting a new reading challenge in Year 1. We are encouraging the children to read at home, at least 4 times each week, on different days, and record it on their own reading challenge chart. The children can read their school book, a book on Bug Club or a book from home. The chart can be kept in their book bag and will be checked every Monday. If they have read at least 4 times, then they will receive a sticker and a recognition point, which the children are very excited about! We will send the reading challenge chart home with them this week and there will be a copy on Google Classrooms if you need another copy for any reason.
We look forward to having a great term of learning with your children. Please see the attached Knowledge Organiser and Topic Web for further information about what your child will be learning through this term’s project. If you have any questions for any of the team, then please email us on
Year 1 Team
Year 1 Into the Woods knowledge organiser
Year 1 Into the Woods Topic Web